Recent content by TerpHound420

  1. TerpHound420

    The bluelab ph pen is fucking bullshit.

    Old Bluelab was the shit! First one lasted 5 years..Now 3 new units later I have to agree-they have gone to complete shit!..looking at an apera now
  2. TerpHound420

    floraflex bubblers uneven watering

    Make sure all your whips from bubbler heads are the same length too
  3. TerpHound420

    In Coco is it higher K in early Flower and Higher P in later?

    It was the frostiest of the bunch for sure, its Thugpug genetics/Peanut butter breath... This dude's gear makes it easy to look like you're really know what you're doing LOL
  4. TerpHound420

    In Coco is it higher K in early Flower and Higher P in later?

    Thank you bro, I'm learning one day at a time. I appreciate the feedback, makes total sense now. at 6.2-6.3 it looks that K starts becoming alot more available to the plant.
  5. TerpHound420

    In Coco is it higher K in early Flower and Higher P in later?

    I remember reading this somewhere? or maybe it was the other way around higher P in early-Mid flower and higher K in later flower in Coco? I cant find the post for the death of me.. Anyone want to weigh in? Thanks. Pic of my last run with Salts in Coco coir: PBB- ice tray pheno
  6. TerpHound420

    Ambrosia Crop Salts or Front Row Ag ?

    Anyone have experienc with either two of these lines? I've researched both and they both have there advantages. I'm trying to up my grow game in COCO Coir specifically and I don't want to go back to watered-down nutrient bottles. Any know a dry fert that's tried and true for Coco I'm...
  7. TerpHound420

    Is a Green CFL Light ok to use during lights out?

    For when lights are out in dark period you can see..
  8. TerpHound420

    Is a Green CFL Light ok to use during lights out?

    I've gotten alot of mixed answers. I've used it 4 times in 5 years but never noticed the plants having an issue with it
  9. TerpHound420

    Jacks 321 yellowish leaves

    Ha ha those dimmer knobs will get ya..I just started LED myself and hasn't been easy..
  10. TerpHound420

    Modified Jacks 321 schedule

    I actually just found one of your post explaining your situation with your tap being high in Cal. I had this same issue with my well water being too hard and screwing up many of grows because of it. I had no choice but to purchase an R.O system if i wanted to start without guessing what the...
  11. TerpHound420

    Modified Jacks 321 schedule

    Jack's tap? Interesting , I Haven't heard of that formula yet, would you Care to share?..Or is there a thread/post on here for that I can check out?.thanks man
  12. TerpHound420

    Modified Jacks 321 schedule

    I think @haze010 was saying that was his recipe for success and is what's working for him. No advice is shitty advice in my opinion , you take the good with bad and what comes out at the other end of the pipe is what you got lol. I probably should of mentioned Substrate would be a good addition...
  13. TerpHound420

    Modified Jacks 321 schedule

    For sure. I get it though for alot of people the 321 doesn't need adjusting but I was just curious to see others inputs on the line. Thanks for the Contribution to the thread thus far
  14. TerpHound420

