Recent content by ThaiBoy

  1. T

    How many plants under a Lighthouse Blackstar 240w LED?

    Using 2 240w in your tent would work OK. Using 3-4 would be preferred because under high light situations, the plant will not stretch and can grow amazingly COMPACT. I am currently using the equivalent of 3 240w in a 3x3 tent and I'm quite happy with my sativa results. My strain is...
  2. T

    Lighthouse Blackstar 240w LED.... Any good?

    I just ordered my 7th GH LH LED light. I am now self sufficient! :) At first I ordered the lights online through Ebay, but for my last 4 orders I called the company direct. I recommended this option because you will get a slightly better deal than an online order, and can chat with Victor or...
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    Led Users Unite!

    I just measured the power consumption of the LightHouse BlackStar prototype model and it consumed 280w -- which is great for me and my small space! I'm also using a LightHouse 2009 90w model, which consumes 78w, so in total I'm running 358w in a DR80 grow tent. :) -ThaiBoy
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    Led Users Unite!

    Just got the new light running and it is beautiful! Correction -- the name of the light is not "DarkStar" it is "BlackStar". I can't give you any real specs because the light I just got was a prototype, or production 1st run. Anyway, it came with zero documentation and the voltage sticker...
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    Led Users Unite!

    I have the light and love it! I think it is the best one for its price class. It's backed by a company in the US you can talk to and get advice too! -Thaiboy
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    Led Users Unite!

    I just talked to the folks at Gotham Hydro about their new "Darkstar" series LED grow lights from Lighthouse Hydroponics ( The big news is they are now using 2w LEDs instead of 1w LEDs. Gotham has tested the new model and have found it to have the...
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    Plants not doing good...need help

    I think it's a deficiency. Increase your nutrients. I just had a similar looking problem and fixed it by increasing ppms. Yellowing leaves and reddening stems are signs of nute deficiencies.
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    I'd get the 2010 Lighthouse Hydro UFO model sold by Gotham Hydro. It has the best test results so far and is about the same price as the one from See...
  9. T

    Led Users Unite!

    Problem fixed. I was under feeding them, but thought the damage was from over feeding them. I'm at 1300ppm now and the plants are greening up and recovering nicely!
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    I just posted some pictures of my troubled grow on the LED users unite thread. I just got done...

    I just posted some pictures of my troubled grow on the LED users unite thread. I just got done talking to AN who suggested my nute ppm was too low. I just upped to about 500ppm. I'm trying to get DWC working for me...
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    Led Users Unite!

    This is my 1st DWC and LED grow. These clones were taken 1/19 and grew quickly in soil + LED, then I switched to DWC and things went bad. Early on I made many mistakes and almost killed my plants using tap watter letting the EC get to 2.0 and Ph to 8.0 while on vacation. I am using AN A+B...
  12. T

    Led Users Unite!

    I started with Glow Panel 14w. It's a good light from real company. I use it for side lighting now. Along with my Lighthouse 2009 an 2010 models, I have 194w total LED. I'm running pure LED now. One thing I've noticed is VERY short inter-nodal length. Anyone else out there using LED find...
  13. T

    Anyone interested in a group buy for LED grow lights?

    I agree. I'm a scientist looking for new and better ways of doing things -- not the typical grower. I also want to grow my green in the greenest way. Believe it or not, this research we are all doing on LED grow lights may lead, in the future, to more efficient ways to raise food and allow...
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    Led Users Unite!

    The stats look good in my opinion too! But, for same cost you could get two or three top of the line 90w UFOs. Also, I read somewhere that 1W LEDs were more efficient than 3W and 5W LEDs. Any one know if that's true?
  15. T

    Led Users Unite!

    IMHO the LightHouse 90w lights from Gotham Hydro are the best. Based on GrowBoys calculations it puts out the most usable light and in the next issue of GrowBoys they will make a startling recommendation: Flower with put LED (using one 2010 model and one 2009 model). They are testing that...