Recent content by That Guy Mike

  1. That Guy Mike

    Any amber here?

    Plant 1 and plant 2 (pic from second post) still look fairly clear. plant 3 looks mostly cloudy to me.. but I have old eyes. I’d say harvest as soon as you start to see traces of amber.
  2. That Guy Mike

    Outside grow

    Like couple others mentioned, wait, she’ll fill out nicel… but looks great so far! Make sure she’s well supported.
  3. That Guy Mike

    Are these ready please help

    My go to for determining readiness has always been looking at the trichromes - once they become predominantly milky/cloudy in appearance generally means she‘s ready. Get a jewellers loupe and take a tiny piece off the bud to look at closely. If trichromes are clear then wait a bit longer.
  4. That Guy Mike

    Blaze & Daze

    If looks could kill, yikes… lol
  5. That Guy Mike

    doublejj's 2024 adventure

    Awesome grow! love following along :)
  6. That Guy Mike

    I hate trimming thread!

    Ya, bud sits on the grate and covered with a clear bowl top that has a crank and spins dual blades below the grate.. I don’t recall the particular brand..
  7. That Guy Mike

    Prune right before flower.

    always touch to see a nice plant get damaged.. happened more times than I can count. good fencing/support routine goes a long way. good luck the rest of the way!
  8. That Guy Mike

    Outdoor growing indoors?

    I suspect in ground will be better, even if just for the extra height you can utilize.
  9. That Guy Mike

    I hate trimming thread!

    I’ve had a bubble trimmer for several years that’s worked well enough for my needs, and shared with friends for their trims as well..
  10. That Guy Mike

    Villager says hello

    Welcome Villager!
  11. That Guy Mike

    New guy

    Welcome to the forum! Definitely some great resources around here and good opportunities to discuss any questions you might have.
  12. That Guy Mike

    MLB 2024

    Unless a bunch of the prospects they’ve gotten turn into gems.. Vladdy and Bo are both inconsistent and unreliable.. but ya, 2025 not looking good.. front office for the bjs sucks…..
  13. That Guy Mike

    What you guys/gals think? Rdy?

    looks Real close to ready imo
  14. That Guy Mike

    Low Keys 2024 Season

    Field of Green :)