Recent content by The pokey bit

  1. The pokey bit

    Bipolar & Cannibus

    I have to go see a shrink at the end of April to find out if I am Bipolaristic because of some of the things I do. Y'know every single day for about 10 years I thought I was gonna die on the 5th of April 2005 because of somethin' that my friend said when we were about 13 or 14. We were big fans...
  2. The pokey bit

    Startin' afresh

    How's it going guys? I'm just starting some White Rhino, as I recently had to chop down my first ever grow. I had 9 Stinky Pinky on the go, and I thought I was doing great, until I had to move house. And I managed to get the plants to the new house, but before I got my growing area set up, my...