Recent content by the zacdes

  1. T Rip-Off

    Mate, i know the guy personally, i have Never had problems with them, if a packet does not arrive, its replaced straight away...guarenteed, its happened twice in years, before it was even called There is another company with almost identical name, i had REAL problems with them when...
  2. T

    ISO extractions by The zacdes

    Checking in:)
  3. T

    ISO extractions by The zacdes

    Yo, I dont like to get it hot enough to evap water, even though in short doses it wont hurt, just decarb it for eating, i just like and need the lower temps to get the products i want! Know what ya mean about that rainbow sheen as the last bit of ISO is in a tiny layer on top. I just water bath...
  4. T

    ISO extractions by The zacdes

    Oh dear, I forgot that you should crush up your bud in to bits about 3 mil square, bit of dust wont hurt, but aim for this, it allows good contact with the ISO for ALL the weed!!
  5. T

    ISO extractions by The zacdes

    If you can find my youtube page there is a clip of how to with ISO. The only difference is ive changed to a kitchen sieve and two frozen bowls, its faster, and keeps it cool longer, an improvement!! The curtain mesh drains faster too, allowing more pours! Experiment with your evapping and...
  6. T

    ISO extractions by The zacdes

    Its here now man, cant be stuffed working out how the messages work here,lol. Besides, i would have to send a heap, now the basics are here, enough to get you from start to finish:)
  7. T

    ISO extractions by The zacdes

    The method is now on this page...somewhere:/
  8. T

    ISO extractions by The zacdes

    Its now up on the page man, be better if you could find my channel on youtube, try hexane oil, or extracts, the zacdes should show up somewhere, check select nikkaT, pro extractor , but another bighead seppo, there are plenty of great guys there, pity about the morons:/ , you should find a...
  9. T

    ISO extractions by The zacdes

    OK, i cant be bothered working out how to send messages so here it is, basic!! 1..You will need..two glass bowls,[large] a kitchen sieve with handle, some reasonably fine mesh curtain, a couple of large jars for filtering, the filter should sit nicely on top of the jar with the botton in the...
  10. T

    ISO extractions by The zacdes

    OK guys, i will type out my method for you, but not tonight, ime too ripped,lol. tomorrow or the next day:)
  11. T

    ISO extractions by The zacdes

    Still working out how this page works bud, stuffed if i can get a message to send,lol look in youtube under extracts or hexane and you should find my page, drop me a line:) Ime new at this stuff, never had a bloody computer till 9 months 52,lol
  12. T

    ISO extractions by The zacdes

    Yo roach coach, look in youtube under extracts, or hexane, and you should find my page, drop me a line:)
  13. T

    ISO extractions by The zacdes

    After the last visible ISO evaps[you can see it go] i leave in oil bath[better temp control and no steam!] but reduce heat instantly to settle it at about 70C, leave it to cook for a while, there is still some ISO there, give it 15 minutes, this helps firm it up too! Then remove, smell the oil...
  14. T

    ISO extractions by The zacdes

    Of coarse, the more weed, the more ISO, can take some time to evap!! After reading more carefully, i see Nate heats his very slowly, thats OK, Air drying with a fan gets heaps of dust and shit in your product, and their is no advantage!!
  15. T

    Iso Extractions by _oakley_

    I dont delete extracts that look better than mine either,lol