Recent content by The420Wife

  1. The420Wife

    Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

    Thank you for your service!
  2. The420Wife

    Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

    I'm sorry I didn't read this before posting! I hope I'm forgiven!
  3. The420Wife

    anyone else smoke alone?

    When I'm home alone I do.
  4. The420Wife

    Getting Your Pet High Too? ?

    Well this is interesting.. bongsmilie
  5. The420Wife

    How much does your weed cost?

    It's too damn much! Lol
  6. The420Wife

    State Trooper let me go

    I don't know because I never ride dirty. I've been been pulled over for speeding several times but I'm wise enough not to carry anything on me. Some people don't care to ride dirty and that's all good for them but I wouldn't do it.