Recent content by theDudette

  1. T

    IF you have any tips growing ABC and mind sharing Id appreciate it.

    IF you have any tips growing ABC and mind sharing Id appreciate it.
  2. T

    Nomad Seed Bank, good or scam?

    Sure Id love the info, I still have 2 ABC that im holding off until i can give them all my time. I was able to mate a male and female infernho and now growing those seeds, so far they look good, and I am about to try my first harvest of it. If you have any info I would love that. Im still new...
  3. T

    Nomad Seed Bank, good or scam?

    I bought infernho, vietnamese mind fuck and australian bastard. Had really good results with both infernho and vietnamese mind fuck, however ABC is too sensitive i killed 3 of the 5 seeds that come. I was actually wondering if anyone had luck with AB?