Recent content by Thomas Paine

  1. Thomas Paine

    Obama not American?

    You just can't stop beating your dead horse. How sad for you. :sleep:
  2. Thomas Paine

    What Is Stealth?? Seedbank Practices Discussed

    There is no such thing as stealth shipping. However, if it makes you feel more secure, then by all means use your credit card and spend the extra $$ . :rolleyes:
  3. Thomas Paine

    Attitude review

    You used your credit card to buy something that was illegal. So yeah, you should have known better. I got a saying. There are three kinds of people in the world. Smart people, really smart people and then there's everybody else. You know how you can tell the difference? Smart people...
  4. Thomas Paine

    Attitude review

    I've been using credit cards for over 25 years. In that time I have had thousands of transactions. I've never lost or had a card stolen. I've never had a fraudulent charge. I've never had to cancel a card or dispute a charge. I never give my card to the waitress I always pay at the...
  5. Thomas Paine


    I love it!
  6. Thomas Paine

    Attitude Seed Bank

    Wow! It looks like either someone removed those beans from the package and took a hammer to them or they were crush before they ever sent them. What shipping method did you use? I can't see how that much damage could be done without the entire package being destroyed. By the way, for...
  7. Thomas Paine

    Attitude Seed Bank

    I just went and check at a few of the breeders sites (Barneys, Mandala, T.H. Seeds) and they all list The Attitude as an official resellers of their products. Everything that I have received except for the freebies come in original sealed breeders packs. Using your credit or debit card to buy...
  8. Thomas Paine

    Jon Stewart parodies Glenn Beck

    It's called Common Sence. Something you wouldn't know anything about.
  9. Thomas Paine

    Jon Stewart parodies Glenn Beck

    The biggest idiot is the guy in the mirror. Go take a look for yourself.
  10. Thomas Paine

    Police Theives.!

    Several years ago when I was 19 me and my cousin 21 stop at the grocery store and he bought a six pack of beer. When we returned to my car there was an older lady who had backed into my car and broke out one of my rear tail lights. We all decided to drive down to the police station (small...
  11. Thomas Paine

    Attention Atheist

    I've got a question for you. Who or what created the "Creator"?
  12. Thomas Paine

    Got my seeds in 2 days!

    I send and receive a lot of mail and can categorically say that Brick Top is full of poop. The mail may not make it around the world in 48 hours but it can go hundreds of miles in that amount of time. Not utterly amazing as to be unbelievable.
  13. Thomas Paine

    Obama's Fuzzy Math

    LOL! no thanks.
  14. Thomas Paine

    AIg and the band played on.

    The turnip truck just went by and CrackerJax fell off. Equating the guys who brought down AIG with talent. Can you say Oxymoron.