Recent content by thunder99

  1. thunder99

    Newbie with Seeds. Please Help!

    Oh I forgot a couple obvious options: Plants the cubes in their soil containers. or Remove the seedling and plant without the rock wool. ( I like this so that I don't get moldy rock wool later on.) What do you guys think? I have not had taproots come out the bottom of cubes the same...
  2. thunder99

    Newbie with Seeds. Please Help!

    I recently started a few germinated seeds in small rockwool cubes. Pineapple Express from G13 labs actually, anyway they sprouted in a day, which is great. But I've got these little sprouts up and their taproots hanging down out of the cube already. Is this normal? Do I just need mist the...
  3. thunder99

    Which is the Best Autoflowering Strain?

    Right on nosmoker, good advice. I thought this may be the case... well just because it makes sense. Autoflowering strains are a new frontier so they will only get better as time goes on. I think I've found the one! A new Strain from Sargartha (spelling) White Russian. BTW I just noticed you...
  4. thunder99

    power company forcing a day with no light.... will cause problems?

    Needn't worry if your girls party at night for a couple of days. If they stay in the dark for more than 48 hours things will get tricky.
  5. thunder99

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    :shock: That shit scares me. I had the understanding that the bennies would clean up the sick roots. you know? Eat up all that nasty goop. Was i wrong? Once afflicted always afflicted? I hope not. I don't think I would sleep if I had cut off 90% of my girls' roots.
  6. thunder99

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Hey man, how did your plants react to cutting most of the afflicted roots?
  7. thunder99

    Where are the marijuana friendly grow shops at??

    Dr. Greenthumb's Hydro in Norton Shores is down. They have reasonable prices and good cannabis cultivating advice. The kicker is the 15% discount to card holders.
  8. thunder99

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Are you worried my tea won't be effective because I didn't purchase the exact ingredients Heisenberg suggested? I purchased the Great White thinking it would be sufficient, because it contained both of the key ingredients Heisenberg said to look out for. I thought it could be possible that...
  9. thunder99

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Oh for sure, I know it works becuase of everyones testimonies to that fact. My hydro store didn't carry the products recommended so i went with the great white. I will be surprised if Great White and EWC doesn't work because Great White has a bunch of Bacillus strains and two strains of...
  10. thunder99

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Thanks Heisenberg. I am using EWC and Great White. I'm not sure if I can say that i had a foam, to me it seemed like more of a thin layer of standing bubbles. instead of being a tight pattern of small bubbles it consisted of larger bubbles, you could still distinctively see the brown color of...
  11. thunder99

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    hey Vh13, when you say pre-mature do you mean that you didnt brew it for the full 48 hours? or that even after 48 hours they still werent mature.
  12. thunder99

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Thanks vh13. i wasnt using much h202 cause i didnt feel comfortable treating my ladies with such a harsh chemical, so hopefully i didnt do much damage. it started out clear, and i guess you could say it is cloudy. i would say it is a light tan color. its been about 20 hours since inoculation...
  13. thunder99

    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    Hey guys. I've got a few questions. First off. Heisenburg, great thread. it is really comforting that you obviously know your shit. not to mention all these guys saying how much your recipe improved their grow. my tea has been brewing for 44 hours. i couldnt get ancient forest, but the...
  14. thunder99

    I need help pinpointing a deficiency.

    my PH was fluctuating, but just a little. i was dumb and try'd to get by with a $20 Ph pen. I never dropped it in water but it started to act funny so i popped the cap and there was condensation inside. now ive dried it out and its good for one test, then i have to turn it off or it gets...
  15. thunder99

    Solution raising into net pots during drip feeding - RDWC

    i was having troubles with the the solution running in channels in the hydroton, thus having roots only grow in these channels. i messed my my drippers and now they disperse evenly. once i did roots popped out the otherside of the netpots by the next morning. Im running a RDWC. i have to turn...