Recent content by Timezone

  1. Timezone

    So what rights are you radicalized enough to give up?

    Guilty of the former, no intention of the latter.
  2. Timezone

    So what rights are you radicalized enough to give up?

    LOL No. they're not "beholden", just real committed to The Trusted News Initiative. Some come to America to escape these types of organizations that portray to be the sole judges of truth.
  3. Timezone

    So what rights are you radicalized enough to give up?

    I may have caused part of that as I posted a reply to someone and must have placed my response within the quoted reply. That was not the intention, but obviously the cause of the "altered quote" part.
  4. Timezone

    So what rights are you radicalized enough to give up?

    LOL! Sure they are and with AI, it's gonna get worse. So what you really meant to ask is "Can you link to journalism, that I approve of, that substantiates your claim that Biden is a (whose) puppet?" So I ask again what is your preferred source and I will gather everything that I can find...
  5. Timezone

    So what rights are you radicalized enough to give up?

    Anyone here, what are the sources that guide you?
  6. Timezone

    So what rights are you radicalized enough to give up?

    WOW! Where do you go for that. I think what you believe as "journalism" died when Obama signed the Smith–Mundt Modernization Act of 2012. This allowed main stream media the freedom to lie to us. If you want to know more, start your research with the Smith–Mundt Act of 1948... but I digress. I...
  7. Timezone

    So what rights are you radicalized enough to give up?

    Sure, this is from yesterday, he wants to know if he is allowed to take questions. There's lots more instances where he states that he's not allowed to take questions or is going to get into trouble for taking questions. This has gotten worst over...
  8. Timezone

    What Are You Listening To?

    from way back in 1970 comes this song. Take whatever meaning you want.
  9. Timezone

    So what rights are you radicalized enough to give up?

    Hmm... I do not believe I have been radicalized so, I do not know if my answer counts, but I have to say that, as a descendant of immigrants (as we all are since humans first arrived in North America 12,000 to 30,000 years ago), with family that has fought in defense on this country, and having...
  10. Timezone

    What Are You Listening To?

    and yet, we must remember that WE are...
  11. Timezone

    What Are You Listening To?

    It seems to me that everybody wants...
  12. Timezone

    What Are You Listening To?

  13. Timezone

    What Are You Listening To?

  14. Timezone

    Continuous PH / EC meters

    I began an automation project a while back and chose an Atlas Scientific "Lab Grade" pH Probe and a K 1.0 Conductivity Probe, specifically because, from their ads, these probes "can be fully submerged in fresh water or salt water, up to the SMA connector indefinitely." Unfortunately, the...
  15. Timezone

    Environmental / Lighting Controller(s)

    FWIW - Down in the basement of this place, Technology/Science, I posted my control system under the title "Get your Geek on and control your grow room with Arduino!" I thought you might want to take a look. I've been away from it for a while waiting for the laws in my zone to catch up, but now...