Recent content by TioWWW999

  1. TioWWW999

    I just got banned from GrassShitty

    Nice pic of Jeremy Clarkson
  2. TioWWW999

    I just got banned from GrassShitty

    I got banned for saying to the admin that he'll be on suicide watch as a joke. He get's angry and say's I'm "glorifying violence" ok lol. He says my joke is not the same as everyone's so basically he can't handle a joke and criticism either soon I told him to deal with it which I got banned...
  3. TioWWW999

    Happy Canada Day!

    Happy Canada Day and god bless from the UK
  4. TioWWW999

    Brexit Official

  5. TioWWW999

    Brexit Official

    "WE WILL NEVER RECOVER!!!11!!!1" literally recovered
  6. TioWWW999

    Brexit Official

    ahh its good to see the sweet sweet results this morning and seeing the suicide rate go up for socialists
  7. TioWWW999

    Rollitup Survey

    I made a quick survey on google forms for this subreddit to see what the demograph looks like. When it is done I will post the results in another thread later on or tomorrow. Here's the lnk -
  8. TioWWW999

    Do you ever see a civil war or revolution starting in Europe?

    You seem really butthurt after that shitty meme I posted lol. I only have to work a couple of hours a week and sometimes I don't at all because my business runs itself and I don't have to work at a labour/working class job either. I can basically rest and go out anytime I want and and I make...
  9. TioWWW999

    Do you ever see a civil war or revolution starting in Europe?

    No one said it was lol and it's weird just the fact he bought it up for no reason like money means your a good person hell Hitler had more money than him
  10. TioWWW999

    Do you ever see a civil war or revolution starting in Europe?

    Very irrelevant lol. If you had successful business like my (especially for my age) I might be impress but at the moment it's still a working class wage(taking nothing from you better than minimum wage that's all I can say). Plus over 90,000 messages....
  11. TioWWW999

    Do you ever see a civil war or revolution starting in Europe?

    Funny enough liberals always come up with the same shit "your so racist" also your very dumb if you think Islam is a race it's a ideology. If you call that racist you might as well call the people who hate on the KKK,Satanist and communism are racist as well which all all ideologies lol idiot.
  12. TioWWW999

    Do you ever see a civil war or revolution starting in Europe?

    For the communist (also far left)
  13. TioWWW999

    Do you ever see a civil war or revolution starting in Europe?

    Illegal immigrants are always far left liberals which is you