Recent content by tokeng13

  1. tokeng13 ?

    Read another fourm in here a few months back where a "member" said they had bought, but the thread was never "closed" with any results just banter as is happening here. It seems the individual would have to be either really rich, or really F^(-)ING stupid.
  2. tokeng13

    Clones Almost Two Weeks In... still no roots, they look fine

    Whats up MC, I normally try and forget about clones once cut and dipped in rooting hormone. A great deal i have found is the rooting hormone i found a wally world. Walmart yes another item found cheaper! ! ! LOL.. Regardless i Normally pay attention to the "stem" and where it enters the...
  3. tokeng13

    Slapped the shit out of my ole lady 2 nights ago

    Deep; toughy there man. Think no matter what you are a better man from it. Theres a difference in slapping someone to achieve attention. I have never and say i never would strike a female. However at that point your playing a fatherly role i suppose? My generation was still taught the hand...
  4. tokeng13

    check my band out

    SOUNDS GREAT MAN! ! ! we need it..... why isnt is any where yet????? more ambition or better people will help you with the desired outcome. . . . . . . PM me.
  5. tokeng13

    there is a shred of decency left in mankind!

    GREAT POST! ! ! Decency is not wait it should be now, nor what it was years ago. Hell i used to hold the door open for others every where i went. A "thank you" was so common it was expected and almost over looked. Now if you hold the door open your lucky if someone will even acknowledge you.
  6. tokeng13

    Question about going to 12/12 for sex, then back to 20/4

    hey guys im right with you with this one! Alot of people have different ideas. In my local area i know a total of three growers including myself. We all argue about this and it can get rather touchy. I myself like to wait and let preflowers, however recently i have breed a strain with a...
  7. tokeng13

    Dwc Grow Club

    Hey all! ! ! I must admit i have been learking the forums for a few months. I have lived via the DWC "lifestyle" for a handful of years now. I really enjoy the fine tuning that i find via other experience. Wanted to shout out to everyone still a little worried about admitting! lol. I guess...
  8. tokeng13

    help **pics**

    Hmmm have seen before normally after water changes though. Did you use "clean" water with your change or was it right out of the tap? I have seen similar problems first hand when i tried change nutrients to an organic mix. Also i have hear from many people that inter-mixing different...
  9. tokeng13

    cns17 nutes

    they are manufactured by Bontani care. It is there commercial line. Great product from what i here. However the power series is also a great product.
  10. tokeng13

    How can I package clones for shipping when customs will not be involved?

    all about finding some killer clones and knocking a month off a cycle! ! ! Any takers let me know. Trades will work also!
  11. tokeng13

    DIY Cool Tube How-To

    Just when I think i have thought of everything! ! ! You are genius!
  12. tokeng13

    hi from ohio

    Welcome! ! Ohio myself. Agreed with the Lemon its great stuff. enjoy
  13. tokeng13

    I am Ladyluck

    Hey ladyluck WELCOME> hope you have found it as useful as i have.
  14. tokeng13

    Well the is the attitude seed bank. They are reputable, vouch myself. Also does deliver for the 20 for $20 deal, They never looked quit like i had seen from pics and countable conversations though. Honestly; wasnt even sure of what to call...
  15. tokeng13

    Marijuana inc.

    50 million a year! ! ! In the 70's.... Anyone else catch that?