Recent content by Toker88

  1. Toker88

    First time grower! First time mistake is it dead!?

    Sorry for your losses man. believe me- we have all been there at some point. Best of luck with your remaining ladies. -Toke
  2. Toker88

    First time grower! First time mistake is it dead!?

    ...damn man... that sucks-- you shouldnt do that again.... who ever told you that--slap them hard, and don't listen to that person anymore... if it does survive, it will be severely stunted in growth... root system will be under-devel.( tho it could end up okay- it will take longer to get...
  3. Toker88

    Opinion Needed: Is it ever okay to sleep with a guy on the 1st date?

    lol actually this is not my situation persay, its a friend of mine who went on a first date, and slept with this guy she really says she likes... anyways I said I thought it was a stupid thing to do, but thats just my opinion... I'm under the impression that if you want a serious relationship...
  4. Toker88

    Opinion Needed: Is it ever okay to sleep with a guy on the 1st date?

    Hey RIU My friend and I have a... conflict of opinions lol and we need external input-- Is it ever ok to sleep with a guy on your first offcial date? + rep for good replies! Thankx for your opinions RIU! :bigjoint:
  5. Toker88

    Does anyone like the Tv show, House?

    Totally wicked break down of the character dude-- yeah I agree with your perspective on things,--- its a definate possibility -- but then what about 13?How will Forman and her break up? Or maybe she'll have to leave b/c of her Huntingtons... hhmmm oh well we shall find out very soon! 11 days...
  6. Toker88

    Does anyone like the Tv show, House?

    lol aaww no love for fringe eh? I don't like it AS much as House, but I still like it quite a bit. I find its relatively interesting and pretty cool. lol ya that and Stuart little's father... there's a change for ya hahahhaa.... o boy... Anyways I can't wait for the premiere of season 6...
  7. Toker88

    The many faces of Mary Jane-- +Rep

    Very true man....very true.
  8. Toker88

    The many faces of Mary Jane-- +Rep

    Lol yeah so true, the world is based on greed... sad yet true. I'm not sure if it's legal to grow one plant... never heard that one before lol but I've spoken to cops around here too-- they just don' give a you said, the large field grows and large busts are what they go for-- the ones...
  9. Toker88

    This mofo is crazy!

    OMFG I would've unleashed the PMS on his ass!!! Holy geez I would've been soooo pissssed!!!! That poor person w/the blue car-- hope they didn't have to pay for the repairs .... expensive shit..:S lol
  10. Toker88

    Water with bong water?

    k.... thats just disturbing...:shock:
  11. Toker88

    The many faces of Mary Jane-- +Rep

    No doubt eh? I bet it is some twisted conspiracy BS like that too man. I'm telling you if it's not legalized in the next 10 years-- I'm gunna move to Europe-- FUCK IT lol.(jk).. I hope its legal soon... so tired of having to look over my sholder everytime I want to smoke a substance that I don't...
  12. Toker88

    The many faces of Mary Jane-- +Rep

    I agree its something along thos lines, tho I always believed that it the reason its not legal where I am (Canada) is because of the "war on Drugs" the US has goin all the time-- (Not saying anything bad about Americans-- Your laws are just real harsh!) I have heard numerous times that if...
  13. Toker88

    plant problems

    hmm fair enough... how bad are the mites? are they gone or are you still battling?
  14. Toker88

    plant problems

    Has it always been in the soil or did you transplant it a few weeks ago? What's the nutritional value of the soil-- does it also have Maganese (Mn), Boron (B), Molybdenum (Mb) ? How often do you water?
  15. Toker88

    plant problems

    Hard to say--- spider mites feed off the plants juices, and consequently the plant deteriorates. However it seems like nute burn could also be a factor ....? I've heard doctor doom works well on pests... Good luck man