Recent content by TourFwenty

  1. T

    Athena pro in dwc

    Kinda what I was thinking too. I cut the ratio in half and fed one plant that way guess I'll see what happens haha. Appreciate the input
  2. T

    Athena pro in dwc

    I'm doing my first small four bucket dwc and got some free Athena pro nutrients, just curious if this chart is applicable to dwc or not. Been growing for a bit but never done hydro so I'm very tentative with the whole feeding aspect. Not trying to fry my babies
  3. T

    Hash or trash.

    Your good my worry's were qualmed fairly quick, definitely just freaked myself out after the super seedy plant I got last run and never actually seeing herm in person.
  4. T

    Hash or trash.

    I'm personally rarely upset about seed but trying to sell the shit to snobby people makes it a pain haha
  5. T

    Hash or trash.

    Word greatly appreciate the input, just got my self all nervous after having one seedy plant in the last harvest.
  6. T

    Hash or trash.

    Even with some of them making bigger seeds and already having tan hairs?
  7. T

    Hash or trash.

    Not for personal kinda why I'm curious if it's worth to finish and press/bho cuz I'll have an empty room for 2+ months if I cut em now, they are just into their third week and have at least six to go. As for cleaning my spots fairly easily to sanitize so lingering pollen shouldn't be an issue in...
  8. T

    Hash or trash.

    Little pods under and amoungst most of the buds that definitely have little seeds starting in em
  9. T

    Hash or trash.

    My entire flower has begun to hermi at three weeks and I'm curious if it's worth it to just finish and hash it all or not. Cuz if I cut and trash it all I won't have anything new to flower for about two months