Recent content by TrevorCoreySmokesLetsGo

  1. T

    Smelly DWC Res Water

    I was about to add H2o2 to the res but if this hydroguard actually works then fuck yeah. Also, I have paper plates covering the hydroton with a hole cut out for light to hit the plant. I’m doing literally everything I can to keep light out. When it comes to coco, should I only use RO water to...
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    Smelly DWC Res Water

    Close to 24 hours after adding hydroguard, the smell has almost gone away completely! I also shut off a vent in my basement that is allowing the temperature to go down as low as 65-68 during the dark cycle, still hits around 75-76 with the light on though. I just checked it about 2 hours in to...
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    Smelly DWC Res Water

    Just ordered some Mother Earth coco-perlite mix and some 5 gal grow bags. I think I’m just gonna give up on DWC if I can’t get away from this issue. With basically everything else eliminated, it probably comes down to temps, and I simply can’t afford to find a way to lower them.
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    Smelly DWC Res Water

    My air tubing is black, my net pot lid is black, and my buckets are completely wrapped in foil duct tape from top to bottom. No light leaks. I have another seedling going now in RO water, since yesterday evening. If I make it 4 days without stank and slime then I’ll know it’s the tap water...
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    Smelly DWC Res Water

    Welp, it’s back again. 4 days after cleaning res with 34% H2o2 and bleach and using GH Flora Trio synthetic nutes. Cleaned my air pump tubes too. Did not add Hydroguard this time. Stank is back and there is a foamy slime forming in the side of the bucket at the water line. 0 light leaks. Water...
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    Smelly DWC Res Water

    Thanks man I think that’s gonna be my best option as well. I appreciate everyone’s input!
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    Smelly DWC Res Water

    I was trying organic but that was causing the stank water. Now I’m doing it sterile, and testing the organic in RODI water to see if the issue comes back.
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    Smelly DWC Res Water

    P.S. she’s just a baby seedling (reason for the high humidity), only the first 2 true leaves were coming out at the time of the smelly res issues, and growth had stopped. Since cleaning the roots with h2o2, transplanting to a rapid rooter, and using GH flora trio in tap water, growth has...
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    Smelly DWC Res Water

    Grow tent temp is 75, humidity was around 15%. Got a humidifier, keeping it around 70% now, temps the same. Water temp is usually 70-71. Didn’t know my air pump should be outside the tent, I’ll make that adjustment. I switched to GH flora trio because cheap and easy, using the hard water flora...
  10. T

    Smelly DWC Res Water

    Hey friends. First timer here, so first of all thanks for taking the time to read! I am doing my first ever grow in DWC. Things have been going less than smoothly so far, and I have had a couple run ins with smelly res water. I just wanted to get some first hand advice if I may, and...