Recent content by trippymonkey

  1. T

    folie a deux?

    that's awesome. :) i've read a bit about psychoanalysis and what it entails, but definitely not very well. that's freudian and jung type stuff, right? defense mechanisms and what not? i'm really interested in all the psychological disorders and i just found that bit about the shared madness...
  2. T

    folie a deux?

    i figured there were at least a couple other psychopathology buffs!
  3. T

    folie a deux?

    Anyways, does anyone else find this interesting/have anything to add/have any theories?
  4. T

    folie a deux?

    i know it's not restricted to drug-induced. and in the case of the ayahuasca use, the hallucinations brought on by the brew are shared. that is semi-rare as far as documented cases with a hallucinogenic compound. i know people being studied who received doses of dmt had similar hallucinations...
  5. T

    folie a deux?

    i was just watching something about ayahuasca and decided to read up on it a little. i was just wondering if anyone had heard the term "folie a deux" or "folie a plusieurs", which translates into "madness shared by two" or "madness shared by many"? it's a psychiatric syndrome where two people...
  6. T

    coping with winter

    If only I had a grow room. :(
  7. T

    coping with winter

    I've found this winter especially rough as far as keeping my spirits high. My heart is broken and the weather is making it so much harder to cope with. I haven't slept in three days now, and I really think if i can't sleep tonight I'm going to go fucking crazy. I was just wondering if anyone...
  8. T


    does anyone have any personal experiences with this drug they'd like to share? i'm contemplating trying it but i want to know kind of what to expect.
  9. T

    "Of Polygamy"...

    I think that if god exists, he probably won't let you in to heaven, anyways. You would annoy even him.
  10. T

    Oh my lord. I did dmt...out to space

    It is easy to get in Savannah. One of my friends goes to art school there, and some kid from his school did it and then disappeared for four days. They found him in some woods and I guess he had killed himself. I would love to try it but don't know if I'm ready. It's supposedly the most powerful...
  11. T

    Selling Virginity

    You know what, man? I say it's something to think about. Seriously, some guys have no problem taking a girl's virginity when they don't even like the girl. And that's accepted in our society. If you can get some money out of it, why not? Who cares what other people think. That would be awesome...
  12. T

    Is This Right About Sleeping?

    Yes, it is released during sleep, but I don't think that's your dreams. I read that our brain doesn't allow us to remember any of it.
  13. T

    How Old/Young are You

    I'm nineteen, about to be twenty. And I just got my wisdom teeth out and it hurts so bad. Off topic, I know.
  14. T

    GOOD Movies to wach wile on psychedelics

    I watched Death At A Funeral for the first time while I was tripping, and it was great. It was hilarious and really crazy looking haha. I recommend that!
  15. T

    This Moment In Heaven

    That's awesome, dude. Congrats :) I've been inspired by love before, but unfortunately the relationship didn't work out. It's a great feeling to have, though.