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  • Planted my autoflower seed it's split open u can see the tap root but it's not out will it be b ok
    I thought it would have come up by now 2 days ago I planted it cracked still nothing
    I’d wait til the tap root was at least 1/4” long before planting. Soak them in water with a couple drops of 3% peroxide.
    My auto flower seed has cracked tap root not out yet done between 2 peace's off cotton wool slightly open like an oyster is it ok to plant
    Good to go if it were me I'd plant the seed. NOT TOO DEEP. Mine are about 50/50 half with a good taproot while the others just crack. Have seen seed crack then rot. The ones that I plant without a good taproot do not seem to do as well. You don't want to drown them. Too, they can be a week or more behind what I call The Gooduns. Just enjoy your time with your plants. Happy Growing!
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