Recent content by Tysgirl12

  1. T

    Thank you all

    Thank you all
  2. T

    Diy calcium magnesium suppliment - calmag

    Thank you that guy was rude as all get out call me lazy I went off
  3. T

    Should I flower these

    I far from lazy I know how to do research myself so please don't disrespect me calling me lazy my point is you get misinformation no 2 site give same answer as I stated I grew years ago I just got confused with all this running off and buffer this so if you need to be rude I get my info from...
  4. T

    Should I flower these

    What best to use to grow in soil coco what I about to start up so weed plant just getting my research together first know I grew beautiful garden and 3 flowerbeds that was great do I do same with growing weed
  5. T

    AND what water best distilled springs or tap water best to use

    AND what water best distilled springs or tap water best to use
  6. T

    I use miracle grow plant food everything was beautiful the ph buffer the same as I use in fish...

    I use miracle grow plant food everything was beautiful the ph buffer the same as I use in fish aquarium what is run off or just stick what I know
  7. T

    Can you please help me I just starting out on growing with grow tent and all I going grow weed...

    Can you please help me I just starting out on growing with grow tent and all I going grow weed and flowers (roses) and veggies initially like right now I am trying to start up 50 roses but no real luck going on but I need to know soil well pretty much everything is what I need to know me and...
  8. T

    Diy calcium magnesium suppliment - calmag

    I been smoking since was 16 I grew couple plant in my past but now I older I got medical license for weed in my state then they just made Marijuana legal here and can grow 4 plant I buy the grow tent I just need some help to exact soil and chemicals I need to great great weed I can order only...