Recent content by unoitmakesense

  1. U

    Weed Poll

    no because everybody would be mentally altered depressents, this poll is bias anyway because this is a cannabis website, im sure if we went on alcoholics anonymous they would bet alcohol? im sure they will legalise it with due time.
  2. U

    what does being stoned feel like?

    hmmmm, if you breathe in and out really fast then you can get yourself naturally high for a bit
  3. U

    Did God Create Man?

    cuz ur a mad man like me, we dont belong in this world :( i went to a suicide club once....i was the only person to show up:| whats the smartest thing to come out of a womans mouth? ....einsteins cock! i no its sexist but i wanted 2 make my frend laugh :(
  4. U

    what does being stoned feel like?

    sorry about that mate little bit high, i understand now
  5. U

    Car bombs...

    death penalty for all of them i think
  6. U

    what does being stoned feel like?

    what do you mean by strains? ive always thought that hitting a weed was like having a reality check so you can look at or think about something from a outsiders view and i never seem to give a fuck about anything when im buzzing, weeds got me through some tough situations....
  7. U

    what does being stoned feel like?

    i always start a sentence with no idea whats going to follow, but when it does follow it doesnt make any sense at all, but its funny because ill say it in a serious voice like ive made all the sense in the world, hence the name haha i also always get the feeling lately that everyone is against...
  8. U

    new rant - aimed at rosebud

    i only use this website when im high and whatever blurts onto the screen is what i send, are you saying nobody can be honest in here? i made this thread ..... >><< .....vague for a reason so that everyone can use...
  9. U

    Guide to making a vaporizer

    man im gonna try that tonight, mogie why dont u love me anymore?
  10. U

    Did God Create Man?

    whats to say that we are not aliens?
  11. U

    Opinions Please.....

    im only a asshole where ur mothers concerned....and theyve pissed me off so im taking it out on u. u got a problem with that?
  12. U

    what does being stoned feel like?

    Ive asked this question because on this website (im guessing they think they know there shit) they cant answer the question, im sure some of the biggest smokers in the universe can make a legitimate fighting or bible bashing please , Effects
  13. U

    Weed Via Mail

    just found this?? , buy cannabis online uk , index Selected premier buy cannabis online sites on the net!
  14. U

    Opinions Please.....

    space weasal you are reminded that people are only on these threads to find answers, your reply was not a answer it is a conversation and the moderators dont allow that sort of talk in here.....they are strict
  15. U

    All Members Opinons Wanted

    or is this just a site for people that dont know anything about growing weed to have a chat on and make silly threads