Recent content by UPdopeKing

  1. U

    400w Stealth Grow Cab

    Day 5 also my titles is a little miss leading since I choose to veg under my t5ho lol Still no signs of life from other beans, its been 2 days and it hasnt sprouted
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    400w Stealth Grow Cab

    second seed didnt sprout over night like the other :( but hopefully soon, ill get pics later
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    Signs of sex in veg

    Ive heard of plants showing sex in veg....i was just wondering how long they have to be in veg for this to happen...all answers are appreciated.
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    400w Stealth Grow Cab

    had another seed pop planted her to night after some nice bong rips of my lemon cake my first harvest :)
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    400w Stealth Grow Cab

    only been a day but the sprouts really coming along...i moved my little t5 down closer to soon can I force sex?
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    ***ZTELTHY's 400W+ AND UV-B & CFL 2 PLANT CAB***

    what you doing with the cab? are you moving to something bigger? and do you think you would sell the cab?
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    400w Stealth Grow Cab

    I know its been a while but im back with an update my one little seedling that just sprouted today....hope its a girl got another seed germming atm. I definatly still have work to do on the cab to...light leaks like no other and still need to upgrade venting and air circulation, neither a...
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    My Stealf Dresser

    good shit should consider a small hps for flower though
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    4000 watt ballast??

    haha 7 grand for a ballast...i think ill just put this pipe dream out right now
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    4000 watt ballast??

    Ive been looking at lights lately cuz im planning to upgrade when i move( soon hopefully)....but ive seen 4k watt bulbs on a few sites but never any ballasts so i was just wondering if anyone knew about them or has used them? Possibly?
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    JackBerry Grow

    damn good shit dude
  12. U

    Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

    i got a cab set gonna rock the outdoors in mi next year, but this year was crap for good outdoor bud this year and uaslly i make it trough the to winter with out door bud bought on the cheap at harvest time....even can get some profit out of it most years :/
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    Kiddie Pool Ebb&Flow

    thats dwc though i was thinking like flood the pool and drain it with net pots set up in the pool some how
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    Kiddie Pool Ebb&Flow

    is this the wrong place for this? or is it just not a good idea??
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    Kiddie Pool Ebb&Flow

    im just brain storming here.....dont know much about hydro....thought this would be cool for like a SOG hydro setup. I wanna start up a grow just messing around with ideas now. but for a pool like this...