Recent content by Upwards

  1. Upwards

    New England outdoors 2016

    She's looking so ripe. Weather looking good for the next week or so though so I'm going to wait it out, for the greater good. Had just a tiny Speck of Rot here and there. After picking it out I'm getting the smell of overripe grapes on my fingers. Hard to explain just how psyched I am.
  2. Upwards

    New England outdoors 2016

    It seems like the main theme around these parts is Let It Go as long as you can. Starting to see a little rot after all the rain but it's still not really bad yet. I've got two with powdery mildew that I'm trying to write out as long as I can but it looks like two weeks is as much as I can...
  3. Upwards

    New England outdoors 2016

    Would you guys give her more time? Weather has been mostly suck for the last couple weeks here in Southern New England and the threat of mold hangs over my head. This one still plugging along well though. Hoping we don't get a hurricane soon.
  4. Upwards


    So update. I have 4 Girls infected. I've been using diluted milk sprayed daily as Allowed by weather. Weather kind of sucks right now it's been hot and dry all summer but it seems to want to stay damp right now. The pics above are the worst one. She's maybe gotten a little worse since I...
  5. Upwards


  6. Upwards


    Late October is kind of a crap shoot here in southern New England, wish me luck.
  7. Upwards


    It's getting too dark to see and it's too widespread to wipe all the affected leaves. I had to settle for giving the affected plants and their neighbors a milk water misting. I hit my cucumber plants too. They were rife with pm and somewhat close by, no doubt it started there and spread. A...
  8. Upwards


    A quick search lead me to two possible solutions. One part hydrogen peroxide to 16 Parts water. Or one part milk to 9 Parts water. Spray where visible. Is there any advantage to one over the other or any better options? I imagine neither will hurt the buds.
  9. Upwards


    I hesitate to spray directly with anything this close to harvest. However I realized something will probably be needed along those lines. Is there a go to for this sort of thing that is known to be safe? Some sort of vinegar dilute Maybe?
  10. Upwards


    Also is this preventable? I realize I didn't give any context above, This is an outdoor project in 5 gallon buckets. I have used necrotic leaves as a top dressing, and have been feeding them Alfalfa tea. My last batch of tea did have some fungal growth on the top but I didn't think anything of...
  11. Upwards


    Just noticing this now. It hasn't been especially damp or humid so this really comes as a shock if it is mold. I've been checking on my girls obsessively so I'm fairly certain this broke out today. Is it mold? What can I do? So far I only see it on 2 out of 10 but these two are the closest to...
  12. Upwards

    Triacontinol during flowering, am I making a mistake?

    Soil mix was roughly half composted cow manure and half base soil. Added to that I threw in plenty of perlite, a little sand, a little blood meal, and powdered lime. In retrospect it's a little lackluster. In my defense I didn't join this site until June this year. To compound the problem with...
  13. Upwards

    Triacontinol during flowering, am I making a mistake?

    Thus far I haven't used anything as a foliar spray and it doesn't seem like it would be a good time to try for the first time, here in mid-september. I gave them some alfalfa tea about a week ago, it sounds like you're recommending I use something different for my next feeding. What can you...
  14. Upwards

    Triacontinol during flowering, am I making a mistake?

    Do you use it as a foliar spray at all? How much do you dilute it for a foliar spray?
  15. Upwards

    Triacontinol during flowering, am I making a mistake?

    You got me sniffing around the interwebs. Bud Factor X looks interesting, supposedly has both the aspirin and the chitin. Only 22$ on Amazon too for the .25 liter, which should be plenty for a single foliar spray application. I have just enough time until chop to get 1 spraying in (product...