Recent content by USMC_PotOphile

  1. USMC_PotOphile

    Fungus, bugs or my bad?

    This is the second plant that we have had develop burn like this on the leaves. At least I think it's burn. The leaves turn brown on the outside edges and crumble at the touch. New growth continues to come out the top nice and bright green but all the leaves below are dying off. What did I...
  2. USMC_PotOphile

    Stressed Clones....

    My questions for y'all bounce round from all topics I know but here's another one. When I was being taught how to clone I was told that if a clone ever seems like its under stress to just toss it because it's not worth it. Well my first clone had a light fall on it and it bent the stem...
  3. USMC_PotOphile

    My Top 10 Dumb Questions (That I need Answering)

    I've been putting nutes in with my babies since they were no longer considered seeds. I don't know how everyone else does it, but I haven't had any problems with mine as long as I follow the suggested PPM's for age and pot size.
  4. USMC_PotOphile

    My Top 10 Dumb Questions (That I need Answering)

    Hit me up when you got the time. I would really love to get in on this topic. I've been trying to tell my study group that UVB light is essential when taking an outdoor plant and growing it in an indoor environment. Otherwise the plant will not be able to grow to its full potential cuz its...
  5. USMC_PotOphile

    Potash levels extremely low throughout.

    This is what I have heard... MH, MV, and HPS can and are used to grow plants. Each light puts off a different spectrum of light. Red's and Yellow's (HPS) are best for flowering. Blues (MH and MV) are best for Veg. No one uses MV anymore cuz they don't create the amount of light/lumens...
  6. USMC_PotOphile

    Potash levels extremely low throughout.

    Doing soil tests on our plants last night and we discovered that our Potash levels on all plants are extremely low (thanks to those who suggested that was the problem.). I'm using Tiger Farm Grow Big, Tiger Bloom and Big Blossom, with Open Sesame Bud Setter. All our stems on our plants are...
  7. USMC_PotOphile

    Potash levels extremely low throughout.

    Doing soil tests on our plants last night and we discovered that our Potash levels on all plants are extremely low. I'm using Tiger Farm Grow Big, Tiger Bloom and Big Blossom, with Open Sesame Bud Setter. All our stems on our plants are turning (turned) purple. Its not a temperature and our...
  8. USMC_PotOphile

    Forcing Purple?

    I don't rant about the marines. I have my own opinions on the military having seen it from the inside, but thank y'all for the support.
  9. USMC_PotOphile

    Forcing Purple?

    I was told once that growers can force their plants to change color by growing them in colder environments and then furthering the purplish tint by curing it in even colder temperatures. I have 4 plants that I know are not purple that are developing solid purple branches. What temperature do I...
  10. USMC_PotOphile

    Kinda bummed here.... I think she changed on me.

    It's cool man. I want to hear everyones opinion about everything. It's the only way you can truly approach this project with an open mind. And I know that I will never ask all the right questions to get all the answers I'm looking for. So you and Babygro destroy new guy threads like this often?
  11. USMC_PotOphile

    Kinda bummed here.... I think she changed on me.

    Exactly right baby, we only have 100 sq ft to work with. And with what we have to do to section it off for different cycles to all grow at once we lose a good amount that space. For right now we're good, this is our first grow, and we are still learning. But for our next cycle we're starting...
  12. USMC_PotOphile

    What Quals as Organic?

    Actually we have rooting gel. Received it as a gift from a buddy who came over and gave us a little cloning class. We're working on it.
  13. USMC_PotOphile

    Kinda bummed here.... I think she changed on me.

    Can someone give me a clue here, please? Is my baby girl now a adolescent male? What actually causes this change?
  14. USMC_PotOphile

    What Quals as Organic?

    Well shit man, thanks for all the info. That's the best reply I've gotten and the most info anyone has volunteered. The Decimal system with the fert levels is an old style. You can do it that way, tubes and powders and soil tests and shit. It comes out much closer to accurate than some ways...
  15. USMC_PotOphile

    Sex Change?

    what kind of cost am i looking at for that stuff? If its just one plant that i'm gonna lose it may not be totally worth it. Is it worth it to save the plant. Its a no name strain, a seed from one of my ounces.