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  • Hey there Varn,

    I don't know if anyone had told you (or wether or not you've seen it in journals). The overall view on it is that it isn't recommended. However, if you do want to get more light to penetrate the canopy. I would suggest tying the fan leaf off to the side. Although, I would do it with caution because...if I remember correctly, you said they were 3 weeks into flowering (12/12)..correct??? While you could tie it over to the side, at three weeks it begins to harden-off, increasing the risk of breakage.

    In the end, I personally wouldn't chance it if you are clumsy (like me).

    Not the answer you're probably looking for, just an observation I hade made. If you do end up tying it off to the side, remember to be gentle, throw up a pic or 2 to see the end result:)

    Sorry if couldn't help you out more bud,

    Not a problem brother, that is what I am here for. Being that helping hand, wherever it may be :).

    Rockin' on,

    Your nieghbood Buddy "BW"
    Hey Varn,

    Just poppin' in to let you know, there are 2 possible culprits. One could possibly be a magnesium deficency, it could also be a direct result of how you water your plants. There could be water droplets left on the leaves, which acts like a magnifiying glass and will burn the leaves. The damaged leaves will remain that way, but it will work itself out....just be careful.

    If it is simply a deficency (magnesium), add about half a teaspoon when you water (making sure it is dissolved well b4) and you should see an improvement between a week to ten days.

    I realise also that, well...I don't have whole lot in the way of posts, but I promise you I am just lending a helping hand (I would hope). If you still feel unsure, ask around first (I would guess that already has been done lol). Irregardless I hope all the best for you Vern.

    Ignore the childish shit people resort to on here, it ain't worth it , that is why I don't post often.

    Keep rockin' on,

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