Recent content by Verderes

  1. Verderes

    Pascal's Wager or The Best Bet

    ive thought about this too. If there is a god i dont know if itd be so concerned with what a bunch of bacteria(humans) do in their day to day lives. But if for some reason it turns out that way id like to think that if you led a good life, werent destructive or hurtful, and were bascially a...
  2. Verderes

    So What Does Everyone Think About...

    woa! ive thought the same thing and been trying to explain it to people but they dont buy it. its not just the solar system that is like an atom, but the whole universe. the sun orbits in the milky way, the milky way is part of this cluster of galaxies, this cluster of galaxies orbits around...
  3. Verderes

    So What Does Everyone Think About...

    i think this is wicked funny because i didnt start thinking about this sorta stuff until i started smoking weed. maybe us wondering what life is about is just a side effect of smoking so much? huh? HUH!?!?
  4. Verderes

    My first attempt to grow :-\

    hey everyone whatsup. i finally decided to try and grow my own weed a few weeks ago, even though I have no experience growing anything at all ha. Its still in the early stages but im surprised at how fast they grow. guess its not called weed for nothin. I dont know much about the seeds I planted...