Recent content by VERTVERT

  1. V

    Cops came, I happened to be there...

    I got an update on what happened: The grower and his wife accepted the deal from the DA. They paid the money and took the misdemeanors. Originally the DA said it was an 'all or nothing' deal, meaning they had to plead guilty along with us three trimmers who were there. We had to plead guilty...
  2. V

    Cops came, I happened to be there...

    No charges have been filed against me. I told the police I was not involved and knew nothing, they didn't care to speak with me any further. Everything just points to this guy and his lawyer bringing me into things, they probably say since I was mentioned in the police report as being there...
  3. V

    Cops came, I happened to be there...

    Yes I have quit talking to him and his wife. I have not been charged with anything, only this guy telling me I will be. He is saying that we all need to accept this deal from the DA and take a misdemeanor. Its all or none, either all of us accept or we will be charged with a felony. The...
  4. V

    Cops came, I happened to be there...

    Well I was not involved with what they had going on and shouldn't be charged, but what do you do when some bs charges are brought against you... Seems if I do get charged I have no choice but to spend lots on a lawyer and play their game. Can't imagine accepting responsibility for this just...
  5. V

    Cops came, I happened to be there...

    I'm not sure. Lots of mj for sale by the Uyghur ethic Chinese around China though. If a foreigner living in China is smoking, its not really a problem unless you are causing trouble or involving mj with locals. I would say a small grow is doable, but thats where my family lives so wouldn't...
  6. V

    Cops came, I happened to be there...

    No I have not been notified by the court. One of the others who was there when the police came is a 215, he hired a lawyer to look into it and talked with the DA. Basically they want the grower to pay $70k and then give everyone the same misdemeanor. Even though three of us were not involved...
  7. V

    Cops came, I happened to be there...

    Its clear that I have no involvement, I have been a resident of China for over 5 years. Was visiting my family in the midwest and decided to visit CA to travel the coast before flying back home to China. House was in his name. I'm sure it would not go anywhere if charges were brought against...
  8. V

    Cops came, I happened to be there...

    I'm not going to take any charge or fines for him. So I'm hoping that he deals with it and I stay out of it. I don't know how the county or DA could expect to bring anything on me. I'm just waiting it out and see where it goes, then deal with it as needed. Not going to take any blame or help...
  9. V

    Cops came, I happened to be there...

    To clear things up. This happened in CA, not in China. The police didn't ask me to sign anything, just asked me if I was involved and I said no. That was all. They took my details, didn't even ask to see my ID. They said leave the property for a few hours while they confiscate everything...
  10. V

    Cops came, I happened to be there...

    Everybody I talk with says they have never heard of someone being at the property or even working on the property getting charged, unless its an illegal worker. So I can't really imagine being pressured into being involved in this. Threatening me to take this misdemeanor or else you could face...
  11. V

    Cops came, I happened to be there...

    Thanks for the feedback. Here is what has developed. Yesterday I get an email with three blank template docs supposedly something the growers lawyer has worked out with the DA. - Standardized Sentencing for Misdemeanor California Health and Safety Code 11357(c) - MCR-102 (since I live in...
  12. V

    Cops came, I happened to be there...

    Well as suggested I will def be discussing it with a lawyer before I talk or sign anything. Right now just waiting it out to see if I'm sent some papers explaining what is happening and how I'm involved. I feel like if I'm suddenly involved it was because his lawyer brought me into the...
  13. V

    Cops came, I happened to be there...

    Agreed. Friend also did say it would only be a misdemeanor possession of more than 1 oz., he said more less a ticket... But the way he has downplayed it all and now I'm suddenly involved just seems strange..
  14. V

    Cops came, I happened to be there...

    It is a local country issue, not state or fed. I told the police I was not involved and they weren't really interested in talking with me after they knew my story. I have proof I just entered the US for travel, have cc receipts showing I was out there travelling. Seems easy to prove I was...
  15. V

    Cops came, I happened to be there...

    Yea it all seems a bit weird to me. Right now he just says this is what his lawyer discussed with the DA. They are supposed to be sending me the police report that has my name mentioned in it. So still at this point I don't really know anything more than what my friend told me over the phone...