Recent content by VSUslickrick

  1. V

    First Cure - How does smell and taste change?

    Highly likely. I only dried it for 6-7 days before jarring. the science, bro line was tongue in cheek. What I meant in my original response was changes happened in the weeks in the jar that made the smoke more enjoyable, not more potent.
  2. V

    First Cure - How does smell and taste change?

    I jarred my “first” grow back in mid May. Was smoking on it the whole time and the smell and taste wasn’t there, didn’t burn well, but potency was there. I left that crop to be once I finished another crop that gave me way more than I expected. Came back to that first crop after about a month...
  3. V

    Best Mephisto strains besides bears og just grew iis dank take a look if you want .

    his Beans are good, but he’s turned another grower in to law enforcement due to a disagreement over a collaboration.