Recent content by warriormom

  1. warriormom

    XLG-240-L/M/H- Constant POWER drivers

    at least i found a current thread that is addressing my same questions. although i'm still totally f*(*&^g confused. is it easy enough to install a potentiometer on the xlg? i am inclined to go with the HLG-240 simply for ease of use, but not feeling super thrilled about paying an extra $40 for...
  2. warriormom

    Drying cannabis without anywhere to put it and can’t have the smell

    I actually like this idea. I may try something like this.
  3. warriormom

    Drying cannabis without anywhere to put it and can’t have the smell

    Just busting your chops. :) I have obsessed over every ridiculous detail of my setup. I fall asleep at night problem solving and figuring out details and workarounds for every thing I could potentially encounter. It's a little bit obsessive, I will admit, but my seedlings are only two weeks old...
  4. warriormom

    Drying cannabis without anywhere to put it and can’t have the smell

    I'm still trying to figure out how someone who grabbed the name 'Cannabis King' didn't put any forethought into this.