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  • Hey I just thought I would give you my insight on your light and fan setup. I would put the lights in a line if you can. That way you will have a straight line for the airflow and it is much better than having all those turns and connectors. Plus one 6 inch inline fan will cool both 600's if you have the reflectors with glass. Phresh filters make what is called an inline filter now. So you don't have to put a carbon filter at the end anymore. You do want it to suck in air like other ppl have said. I would run the lights straight together then have the inline carbon filter hooked up between the lights and inline fan. I run this set-up on 2 1000's and it keeps the temps in check, so it would work good for 2 600's. Anyway just trying to help out. Let me know if you have any questions about the set-up I have described.
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