Recent content by weareone

  1. W

    Mean Well drivers power standards and modified sine wave inverter

    I ended up buying a pure sinewave inverter. In a nutshell, a non sinewave current will damage your driver on the long run, and the sinewave one is actually affordable.
  2. W

    Mean Well drivers power standards and modified sine wave inverter

    This means i'll have to convert 220V AC to 12 V about 99% of my time, so it's definitely not efficient.
  3. W

    Mean Well drivers power standards and modified sine wave inverter

    Thanks! Things make better sense now, I thought Vf (forward voltage, the minimum to run the COB) is 36V, turns out it's actually lower; I guess they mean 'typical' Vf, the most common voltage to run the COB, and not the actual minimum voltage.
  4. W

    Mean Well drivers power standards and modified sine wave inverter

    Hello people, my first post here, wonderful forum, I've been recently diving deep in the DIY COB word, digging the high-end CREE models and I'm getting a couple of 'Mean Well HLG-185H-C1400A' drivers for my setup. I'm interested in knowing about the effect of running the drivers on an inverter...