Recent content by WeedKillsBrainCells

  1. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Do you mix cannabis with tobacco?

    I used to before life hit rock bottom and I decided the tobacco took up space
  2. WeedKillsBrainCells

    tired of being a scumbag but dont know how to change....

    Already halfway into your first post and feel empathy. Especially the part about practicing to be a cold, cruel person - then it sorta becoming a reality. Was the same for me. Always was sorta jokingly a pessimist but eventually started to believe those things. It doesn't probably help but at...
  3. WeedKillsBrainCells


    no we wont sell you weed
  4. WeedKillsBrainCells

    killer rash in ny!!!

    or come to UK where ambulances are free... but youll end up in a line of them outside the hospital as they struggle with overuse
  5. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Barry Cooper - Knows Less than He Tries to Make Out....

    Not bad but even with their 12 fingers they can spell that word better than you did
  6. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Terminology. Marijuana or medicine? Patient or stoner? Dealer or caregiver?

    I rarely will call it medicine just for the sake of irony - even if it does have medical value its still weed to me. Caregiver? Meh, definitely depends on the guy giving it... Haven't met a dealer round here yet that wouldn't sell to like a 10 year old if they coukd
  7. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Barry Cooper - Knows Less than He Tries to Make Out....

    America, the country that will rape its poor but pay for an ex-cops dvd because he stopped being a piece of shit
  8. WeedKillsBrainCells


    There goes my twins fantasy
  9. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Barry Cooper - Knows Less than He Tries to Make Out....

    Being in the UK means i'm close enough to get that joke without having to eat that combo. Phew.
  10. WeedKillsBrainCells


    Depends how long you been smoking, etc etc
  11. WeedKillsBrainCells

    2013- How was your year?

    This years been shit. Pretty much every day is a struggle and I dont even do that much. Relationship going down the pan, all my fault. Got guilt, suicidal thoughts, the whole lot. Only thing that got me through xmas was alcohol. Couldnt even do weed because I got sick, lol. Ive pushed my fam and...
  12. WeedKillsBrainCells

    you're current job or weed , you pick

    police... scorched.. loving it
  13. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Things you've done to others

    Yeah you're perfectly right of course. Just whenever I hear a story like this, it's a woman :p. I know a woman thats gotten away with speeding like 5 times in a row. Guess what, i'm a reasonable guy, but i've never got that lucky
  14. WeedKillsBrainCells

    Things you've done to others

    Tends to be easier to be on the right side of the law when you've got the right things on your chest, too.
  15. WeedKillsBrainCells

    MADDST story brah's
