Recent content by WeedSavesLives

  1. WeedSavesLives

    Anyone with PTSD or Anxiety?

    I have found edibles to be the only form of cannabis that helps my anxiety. Started out small and just keep upping dosage, more, more, more. I started small, too much and feeling "really f'ed up" can cause anxiety on its own. But I didn't get real relief from anxiety until I built up my...
  2. WeedSavesLives

    MMJ for your Pet, a Survey Invitation

    Dog gets vape hits in her face multiple times a day for hip pain. Has trouble walking without it, when she feels pain she comes to me for vape. Wife has said she thinks there should be medical cannabis for animals, I agree totally.
  3. WeedSavesLives

    cannatonic X, 1.2% THC 23% CBD

    I'm thinking a 1:1 ratio isn't that important. The importance of CBD stains is for making unheated oil or juicing it to ingest, to cure _____ (fill in the blank) and less about smoking it. Or for those that need low THC, often the same people that juice or take oil and have issues that THC...
  4. WeedSavesLives

    SSL Certificate

    I agree on the SSL certificate, would be nice. I dont know if its the same, but the java chats default action with the newest java is to tell people the sites not safe and to click no, and not load the java chat due to invalid or missing certificate. Admin should look at the chat as a way to...
  5. WeedSavesLives

    NO! On Prop 19

    I could go into detail for pages explaining on and on my views and correcting people but... I would just like to say that every educated activist thats dedicated their lifes to cannabis in california and knows how these things work inside/out (it's their life), is going to vote yes. It is a...
  6. WeedSavesLives


    I haven't been able to get connected to the server but a couple times the last few days. The room is full when I enter and nobody is on efnet #rollitup . Whats the deal?