Recent content by Weezyf420

  1. Weezyf420

    Septoria(leaf spot)

    Ok thanks yea I'm in the fl swamps in a greenhouse house humidity is horrible Thanks I'm getting southern agricultural copper fungicide spray today hope that does the trick
  2. Weezyf420

    Septoria(leaf spot)

    So how many times do u spray hiw far apart before u seen positive results
  3. Weezyf420

    Free nutrient samples?!

    Fuck it I just emailed like 10 companies and I dont have any money for shipping atm so I'll post anything I find free if anybody else could do the same thanks
  4. Weezyf420

    Hey u said u wish I would of never bought the herb snow dryer would u want to sell it?

    Hey u said u wish I would of never bought the herb snow dryer would u want to sell it?
  5. Weezyf420

    Scrogging...Anyone whose done it with great results outdoor.Please help

    Ok so I'm going to start by saying I've read a lot of tutorials watch numerous videos and do not want to mess this up. First grow want to do it right so I'll start by saying what is the best trellis square size? I've heard anywhere from 2-4 in for veg? Also how high should u hang the veg...
  6. Weezyf420

    Fox farm trio w/ bud candy? Can i use them together

    So I have been using fox farm trio and I just was gifted a whole bottle of bud candy will they work together? Please let me kno as one is preflowering and need to give it nutes tonight it's in soil These are the first flowering nutes it's getting thanks
  7. Weezyf420

    Fox farm trio w/ bud candy? Can i use them together

    So I have been using fox farm trio and I just was gifted a whole bottle of bud candy will they work together? Please let me kno as one is preflowering and need to give it nutes tonight it's in soil These are the first flowering nutes it's getting thanks
  8. Weezyf420

    Which product is best for leaf miners? Neem oil,Jacks deadbud or sns 209?

    so I was reading that I needed like sodium soap or something too. But I can use like blue dawn instead? And what ratio should I use or should I just use a drop I have a gallon pump sprayer how much soap would I use also.ive heard some say use it every couple 3 days maybe but u say just once...
  9. Weezyf420

    Which product is best for leaf miners? Neem oil,Jacks deadbud or sns 209?

    So my plants are showing signs of leaf miners gets worse every day tried to squish them does anybody have any experiences with sns 209 have some laying around.should I try it? Or should I go get captain Jack's deadbud or some neem oil? Thanks growing in outdoor green house in soil.
  10. Weezyf420

    Which product is best for leaf miners? Neem oil,Jacks deadbud or sns 209?

    So my plants are showing signs of leaf miners gets worse every day tried to squish them does anybody have any experiences with sns 209 have some laying around.should I try it? Or should I go get captain Jack's deadbud or some neem oil? Thanks growing in outdoor green house in soil.
  11. Weezyf420

    Pics of plant for diagnosis

    No its just sta green and jungle growth shit from lowes . And I did as half dose of nutes friday I'm gonna give them more tomorrow and what do u mean the was cut close to the nose or I thought it was but now that fan leaf is dying like dropping it in one of th pics if u look not the best...
  12. Weezyf420

    Pics of plant for diagnosis

    So with this Corona stuff going on a friend of a friend had to leave left me this plant. I've transplanted it and it starting to come back but now I'm having trouble with white spots. I believe something is eating it I just cant catch it to determine what but I am now growing in a grow house...
  13. Weezyf420

    Pics of plant for diagnosis

    Pics of a plant someone gave me anybody have a diagnosis I think bugs and idk why the leave is dying off. Where somebody cut it any ideas or help is appreciated
  14. Weezyf420

    Plastic bag over seedlings should l?

    Ty cause I did have one on for like 10 mins I didnt kno if it would help
  15. Weezyf420

    Plastic bag over seedlings should l?

    So should I put a plastic bag over my seedlings to start them? I dont have the money for a humidity dome or a spot in the house or a light will a plastic bag work or should i just not worry about it?