Recent content by wheredakush

  1. W

    robbed at fucking gun point

    damn that's trife you got jacked like that but you have to be careful around here. maybe there's a snitch in your crew and set that whole shit up. who knows, there's so many possibilities. My advice, don't tell anyone not even your closest boys you're directly selling and/or growing bud. People...
  2. W


    appreciate the luv
  3. W

    How much you guys payin??

    geez it used to be such a cheap habit now ppl are fully exploiting its profitability. i say just grow it and fuck these retail prices.
  4. W

    sup bro just tried to"befriend" you. sounds fucking gay. hit me up maybe we can discuss more...

    sup bro just tried to"befriend" you. sounds fucking gay. hit me up maybe we can discuss more important matters.
  5. W

    How much you guys payin??

    man i'm from around toronto and people are selling 1/2z's for close to 140 and oz's for 260. i remember when an oz of kush used to be 200 flat
  6. W

    Canadian Growers PIctures

    ontario's weather is so cold and unpredictable. hope the harvest goes well
  7. W


    wdup everybody my names tadpole, hope everyone's baked and having a good time. just wanted to formally introduce myself to my fellow smokers. i've been smoking for about 13+ years or so now. i feel i've gained enough experience throughout my years of smoking to shed a spec of light on some...