Recent content by Whiterlight

  1. W

    New Member Here, New Grower, New (and irritating) problems

    ALRIGHT I NEED HELP ASAP:::::: To answer the questions just asked all in one 1.)I do NOT have a PH Meter (Planning on getting one) 2.) I do NOT have a thermometer (Same as above) 3.)I do NOT use tap water, I use BOTTLED water NEW PROBLEM. alright last night I set it on 12/12 to...
  2. W

    New Member Here, New Grower, New (and irritating) problems

    Alright, will do. I'm only going to water every couple of days and see if the little one Responds. But I also just put a timer on my setup, I'm putting my plant on emergency 12/12 to see if I can get it to sex quickly and perhaps even get a quick/small harvest..:hug: good idea/bad idea?
  3. W

    HELP please, pictures and all major nute problem... flowering 3 weeks

    And I also forgot, before you harvest these beotches you should stop the nutes anyway, you don't want that dirty chemical taste when you blaze now do ya'?:spew:
  4. W

    New Member Here, New Grower, New (and irritating) problems

    Ahh thanks for the encouragement, I'm just really worried this miracle crap has wasted my time (and mula) for no reason :~\ and on the temp, I don't know the exact number but it doesnt feel Hotter than the 80's. I definatly need to invest in a ph meter + thermometer. But anyways, what...
  5. W

    HELP please, pictures and all major nute problem... flowering 3 weeks

    Yep, sure as hell looks like a nice case of nute burn... I'm not the most experienced person by any means but I'm going through the exact same thing. I'm stuck however, as the soil I'm using (Shitty miracle grow) has time released nutes in it and the more Water I try to add to flush it out...
  6. W

    New Member Here, New Grower, New (and irritating) problems

    Update--- Alright well; today I just got around to checking the little beast after leaving the soil to dry out and the condition has WORSENED. So I sprayed Water on the top soil (I avoided the seedling to avoid burning it) I also should mention that Last night I installed the SECOND 100...
  7. W

    New Member Here, New Grower, New (and irritating) problems

    Ahh true...did not think about the fact that the rain could have raised the ph... good point. And Yeah, I moved my lights an inch more away just to be sure. And to answer the post above, nah I don't have a temp gauge but it feels (based on my expert oppinion :hump:) like it's hovering in the mid...
  8. W

    New Member Here, New Grower, New (and irritating) problems

    The lights are about 3 inches away from the little one Mind you the only lights I have that really create any heat are the two 100 Watt CFL's I have. The two OTT CFL Growers lights rate in at 45 watts but are equivilent to 75 watts each. Since the start I have only had the two growers...
  9. W

    New Member Here, New Grower, New (and irritating) problems

    :cry:*BUMP* Anyone out there in internet land? Common, someone has to have a better idea of what me baby is goin through?
  10. W

    Hey man sorry I didn't message you sooner but I couldnt figure out how to lol. but yeah, you...

    Hey man sorry I didn't message you sooner but I couldnt figure out how to lol. but yeah, you know my problem and I gave all my specs I could possibly think of. The one thing I haven't really found any information on is how to grow a SMALL plant with a REASONABLE yeild (Maybe a Half/Quarter or...
  11. W

    New Member Here, New Grower, New (and irritating) problems

    I also just did alittle more research and found that if your seedlings get water on their tops, the heat/light can heat this water up and harm the plant. I DO use a Spray Bottle to water her and the top leaves are usually lightly misted with water, could this also have something to do with my...
  12. W

    New Member Here, New Grower, New (and irritating) problems

    Yeah I was betting 10 to 1 that it was the miracle CRAP that was doing this to her :~( At least there is hope though. And here's a pic from a top hole in my setup. The lights look dimmer than they actually are because my camera can't handle the intense glare, so I had to dim it alittle. The...
  13. W

    New Member Here, New Grower, New (and irritating) problems

    And I forgot to mention that There is no Strain, I just took some decent bagseed and planted it. I also forgot to mention that The pictures above are of my last remaining baby. I had 4 sprouted but 1 was overwatered and Died (Long Story) 1 just sprouted and died. This one had a sister who was...
  14. W

    New Member Here, New Grower, New (and irritating) problems

    Hey guys how a'll doing? Well, I just joined not too long ago because I decided to start growing. I go sick of dealing with the "Scummy" element of society just so I could chill out and enjoy myself :weed: So after reading up alittle I built myself a little growbox. Here are the specs...