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  • Hey X - I've always just used the paper towel method. But this time I just put them straight into the rock wool. First time I ever did that, and it worked great. After the 3rd day - they all popped up. Just make sure you soak the rock wool in nuted water first beforel you put the seeds in them. Also, most people soak the seeds themselves over night too. I did not do that. Some soak the rock wool for a few hours, some soak them for 24 hours. I didn't know that, and just soaked them for like 5 minutes. It still worked though.
    Hey Xforce - This if my very first grow, so take that into consideration. They seem to be a good strain - pretty tough so far. I put them through hell the first week. Too high of water and air temps. This is day 26, and I didn't get the water temp down to 70 til a day or so ago. They're doing pretty good. I think they're way too short, so I'm anxious to see how yours do. Mine are up to 9 inches now. Bushy though. I've topped them 3 times. Third time was this morning.

    You can check out my latest pics here. This is as of Friday. 3rd one down.


    I'm now using (3) 85 watt 27k's on top and (2) 85 watt 65k's on the side. I've had them differently throughout the grow, plus I've had another 85 watt 65k at one point.

    How mahy/what kind of lights are you using??
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