Recent content by xxxcmackk

  1. xxxcmackk

    Fan Leaves Issue - Hydro - RDWC **PICS** Experienced Help?

    which would make me think the lite is a bit to close if its just the tops your worried about,but 2ft should be fine if there propper ventalition,,,,put some extra fans on them and hopefuly she holds together til your done...or
  2. xxxcmackk

    Fan Leaves Issue - Hydro - RDWC **PICS** Experienced Help?

    and how close is the light, and how powerful,,,,,depending on your lite position,,,is it hanging in horizontal positon and if so then try hanging it in the vertical positiion, also can try a heat sheild,,,more direct air movement,,are your fans blowing on top, bottom??? i would try anything you...
  3. xxxcmackk

    please help, pics

    no not always...and what kinda help is needed here?? get some slug bait before they get the others..
  4. xxxcmackk

    help a brother out please!!!!

    im definatly saying NO NUTES...they are not even close to big enuf for me to be adding nutes........water water water, until plant is at least 12" tall,,by then your plant should have a good root base to handle nutes.......i would be looking at your lite and how close or far away it is and how...
  5. xxxcmackk


    ya some kind of dividers would be nice,,,how big is the pot? i have a few friends that put 2plants in the side of 1 big bag of soil and they do fine...but not big are they rite now,and how long they been in there???
  6. xxxcmackk

    hi team

    dont add any nutes until plant is at least 12-18" tall....let it tell you what it needs from there....everybody has different soil,i use basic store stuff and add my owe stuff at home..and yes always important to keep control of ph levels ..
  7. xxxcmackk

    1st time grower, ph always rising- is this normal?

    if just started this grow then i would lower slowly until it stabilizes,,,,,,or let it cycle through for a few days and check again...
  8. xxxcmackk

    question about tokin up.... shaking

    im an experienced smoker and have never gotten the shakes tho,,unless i smoke a bunch and havnt eaten alot that fisrt time getting baked as you did,, i was catching the bus at a freinds place to school and when i entered his house he had a whole plate full of hot knives on the...
  9. xxxcmackk

    topping my plant?

    think i will go with tieing the lady down and not fuck around with cutting her head off,,,its growing great as is ,,i was just looking to maximize my yeild... thnks for the feed back ...
  10. xxxcmackk

    topping my plant?

    ok,,,lots of discussion on topping a plant,,,,,most of which say to keep its height down and create more shoots,,, will toppping the plant give a better yeild or is method used for control....i have a nicce 3.5 footer out back and not really concerned about how tall it will get( bigger the...
  11. xxxcmackk

    Advice on moving outdoor from spot 2 spot..??

    gonna have to dig deep,,,gather up as much of the same soil as possible to put in the bottom of the buckets they are going into,,,would also add some super thrive to your watering mix,and root hormone will help repair any damaged roots....mix the soil for the bottom up with those addictives so...
  12. xxxcmackk

    clone is root bound and started budding...?

    well thats exactly what i did so hopefully she comes back
  13. xxxcmackk

    clone is root bound and started budding...?

    i got called to work and wife didnt listen to instructions lol....anyway i left for 2 weeks and i come back to my only untransplanted clone still sitting in a cup and is starting to bud,,can post a pic but im sure we all know what a budding plant looks me never having this happen...
  14. xxxcmackk

    Indoor project, first time ... Help!!!

    you will have to establish a good root base before transplanting to a bigger pot, i like them to be a good 2-3 weeks in the smaller pot after good root growth is seen...i also like using soil , with just a simple 20-20-20 fert for its vegitation stage, but wouldnt use any fert until plant is at...
  15. xxxcmackk

    Ballasts And Lights

    wiring these things up arnt that hard,, im sure you can google a wiring diagram,,not sure i could explain it on a thread...wires can be bought at any harware store, or any hydro store and shouldnt be to expensive...