Recent content by xxxtyrantxxx

  1. xxxtyrantxxx

    Whats with people rolling trashy joints?

    haha man i was kidding, i wouldnt say something like that. I do prefer a bowl or bong, but you cant pass a bowl and have a decent conversation at the same time, its easier to talk with a fatty going around. speaking of fatties, anyone here know how to roll a decent chode? i only can with ez widers
  2. xxxtyrantxxx

    Whats with people rolling trashy joints?

    fyi this is going to be a hell of a rant, im really sick of smoking bad joints and i need to get this off my chest. im curious if you guys have ever encountered a roll so bad that you have to re-roll to smoke it. Last night i was hangin with some old buddies smokin some grass. Someone passes...
  3. xxxtyrantxxx

    Curing in different containers?

    What containers can I cure in? Can I do in in a pill bottle? Does it HAVE to be a jar?
  4. xxxtyrantxxx

    Anyone growing in Maryland?

    Law Enforcement of some sort, clearly. Actually, I sure hope it is. Because its pathetic, and sad that you are so obvious.
  5. xxxtyrantxxx

    Stinky room?

    Dried out a sample on a computer heatsink... damn... stuff is bomb. its so damn purple!! Defiantly from the cold temperatures it was facing on its last days.
  6. xxxtyrantxxx

    I Lost My Virginity When I Was...?

    I was 16, partner was 19. it was fucking sweet. a twenty pack of bud light was included.
  7. xxxtyrantxxx

    The PC Grow Box Challenge!

    Im not doing it again for the contest, but I did it once in an antec 900 case with 5 40W CFL lights, soft white. 2 plants one week veg yielded about half ounce per, took 9 weeks. shoulda taken pics.
  8. xxxtyrantxxx

    Stinky room?

    NICE! I finally got a good look at my hard work. It needed to go longer, but it was getting dangerous. Someone was in my yard looking around with a flashlight about 30 minutes prior to my harvest. (thank god nowhere near my plant) the hairs are a dark purple color and its COVERED in crystals...
  9. xxxtyrantxxx

    Question about How Much Pot One Plant Will Produce

    the old timer, well seasoned vet type guy knows how to get 5-10 pounds per plant. it can range from an eighth to a metric ton.
  10. xxxtyrantxxx

    Stinky room?

    As some know, Ive been forced to harvest early, and i need to do to do it tonight. Im just harvesting one cola (about one and a half inch wide and about 6 inches long) and about 4 small premature popcorn buds Im wondering if the room i dry it in will reek since it is not alot of bud. i want...
  11. xxxtyrantxxx

    Forced to harvest early, suggestions?

    someone across the street turned on their flood lights to take out the garbage and I was tending to my plant. Im just going to add molases to my plant by eye every other day until i cut it and be happy with what I get :)
  12. xxxtyrantxxx

    $1500 for a qp???

    Man i love living in areas with old friend growers selling QP's for only 600$
  13. xxxtyrantxxx

    Forced to harvest early, suggestions?

    bump, no one has any ideas on what I can do to maximize yield before I have to chop? It all depends, I may postpone a little while, but not too much longer...she may call the police eventually. Could I use some kind of defense including Cannabis ruderalis if she does? ?
  14. xxxtyrantxxx

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    they wont break dude.
  15. xxxtyrantxxx

    Forced to harvest early, suggestions?

    I'm being forced to harvest early, due to a few reasons. One, there is a frost, and two, someone saw me checking my plant in the middle of the night with a camera and a flashlight. Should I be flushing with molasses every night instead of every other day? I really want to make the buds as big...