Recent content by YossiPacNW

  1. YossiPacNW

    strange ph issues with soil and tap water

    Never mind. @Fishmon said it all
  2. YossiPacNW

    strange ph issues with soil and tap water

    I’m sorry if I didn’t catch it, but are these pH numbers what you’re putting in or runoff? I’m assuming it’s too late to amend your soil to balance out the pH and transplant, and correcting your water with pH solutions isn’t working?
  3. YossiPacNW

    Is this light or heat stress leafs cunning

    Literally says it all
  4. YossiPacNW


    I’m embarrassed at how many times I’ve splinted a branch with a piece of bamboo and medical tape, but happy at how well it works
  5. YossiPacNW

    Niche Sport Knife and Tomahawk Throwing

    All the best axe houses are in Canada lol; M’axe Place, Valley Axe League… drawing a blank for a few more atm…
  6. YossiPacNW

    At first one doesn’t know, then one learns a little, next he knows it all, next he realizes that...

    At first one doesn’t know, then one learns a little, next he knows it all, next he realizes that there are lessons yet to learn, finally one realizes they don’t know. See Dunning Krueger affect
  7. YossiPacNW

    Outdoor grow first experience 2024

    Good point. I started in reverse. Probably wasted a lot of… well, wasted a lot
  8. YossiPacNW

    Outdoor grow first experience 2024

    So happy for you! Enjoy your new healthy obsession!
  9. YossiPacNW

    Niche Sport Knife and Tomahawk Throwing

    I just competed in The FL State Knife and Tomahawk Throwing championships in Davie last month. I wonder if anyone from The Axehole was there
  10. YossiPacNW

    Niche Sport Knife and Tomahawk Throwing

    I’m SO glad you enjoyed it. We’re really trying to take the perceived violence out of it and legitimize it as a sport. We have some righteous support to; Suga Hy and others I'm not sure prefer be named
  11. YossiPacNW

    Niche Sport Knife and Tomahawk Throwing

    C.R. Are his initials. He also power lifts. I’m not sure how universal that is. Cool that there’s a common duality between the two
  12. YossiPacNW

    Niche Sport Knife and Tomahawk Throwing

    I’ve got a really good friend in the UK who does both… amazing!
  13. YossiPacNW

    Niche Sport Knife and Tomahawk Throwing

    This is probably one of those “will never get a response threads”, but hey any steel chuckers out there? I would think so. Smoke filled audience is to knife throwing what overpriced keg cups are to NASCAR (if everyone shared with everyone). If someone from my community reads this, just look at...
  14. YossiPacNW

    Blaze & Daze

    I’d practically kill to eat. Yes, cannabis helps a lot. I’d probably have starvation induced diabetes without it. Nonetheless, even with cannabis food is repulsive. Not sure if it’s the PD itself, or the pharmaceuticals. I digress, thank God for the bright moment in a life seemingly full of dark.
  15. YossiPacNW

    Blaze & Daze

    If you don’t mind I ask, at what age was he diagnosed?