Recent content by Yuv

  1. Yuv


    If you do flush it’s gonna be two more weeks. Man by that time all the buds will be gone. Cut it now itself if you can. Take out all the buds that are like brown and fucked throw it. With the rest give it a thorough wash and cure
  2. Yuv


    Yes you can water cure. I’ve done it. But you know the worst effected buds just chuck them out. Cut it now. Wash it with h2o2 and water cure. It will be fine. I did mine for 10 days and a quick dry. It’s a controversial topic so you will get different ideas. If you are like me and don’t wanna...
  3. Yuv

    Clawing after one feed??

    Hey man how’s it going. You know I don’t think it was nitrogen deficiency in your first pic. If it was the whole leaf would go yellow not between the veins. I think it’s mg or zinc deficiency. So since your problem wasn’t N to start with additional N you gave could have made it too much...
  4. Yuv

    Critical Mass Auto grow

    They look beautiful. Good luck
  5. Yuv

    Micro Grow LED Lights - Please give me your opinion

    Hey man how’s it going. You know what since you have limited space height being 40 I say try to go with led strips coz you’ll need the maximum height you can have and adding one of these would take about 10-15cm off and you have to count the pot height too. If you go with strips it would give...
  6. Yuv

    Buds not fattening, thinking about an additional light

    Yes adding more light would help. But at the same time some patience would too. First three weeks of flowering is more like stretching. It’s only after that it will produce buds. So I would say you are at the beginning of flowering. You have a long way to go. Have patience. Smoke one and talk to...
  7. Yuv

    Nitrogen Deficiency?

    K deficiency I think. Read about it. Good luck
  8. Yuv


    Since you are towards the end of the cycle I would feed with majority of it being K(potassium) you can bump it up if you like but if your medium ph is off it will just cause more problems. I personally feed around 700 ppm max. I use coco so I feed everyday.
  9. Yuv


    It’s good to have a schedule I guess but you have to adjust it according to what your plant wants. It’s hard to have one template for all the plants coz they need different things. So try to have an eye on the leaves to know. Plus leave some fan leaves at the bottom at least to know what’s going...
  10. Yuv


    Purple could be due to cold temps. I see you have nute burn. So maybe it’s a lockout. What’s the runoff ph? It looks like that to me. Check it if it’s not what you want flush. How far are your lights from the canopy? Have you tried moving the light closer?
  11. Yuv


    Hey man I might be wrong but in my opinion how much you feed matters very little when it comes to the size of the buds. It’s light that matters. What are you using? With nutes check the run off. If it’s similar to what you feed you can feed more.
  12. Yuv

    Reassurance needed - How is she getting on - Day 19 - Too short?

    It will be enough. You’ll get a good harvest too. I have a similar sized box. I have about 150w household led bulbs in it. I don’t think it’s as good as the professional lights but it will give you enough to smoke. Add all the light possible. And lst try it out don’t go nuts with it at once. But...
  13. Yuv

    I dont know whats wrong

    Nah don’t. Unless your soil is already dry. Don’t worry your buds will be fine. Probably will have fucked up leaves. Who cares you wont smoke that anyway yeah. Take your time. Have an eye on the healthy leaves to see if you need to bump up your nutes. Good luck
  14. Yuv


    Have you checked the runoff ph? It could be nutrient lockout. Specially K. Good luck
  15. Yuv

    Not bulking up

    Hey man your plant looks good. If you can’t get any more light at the moment try to keep them as close as you can without hurting them. Don’t worry they will bulk up close to 7th week. And they will bulk up for like 3 more weeks. Good luck