Recent content by Zurich2020

  1. Z

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Thanks for getting back to me. I took your advice and purchased the diluted spray bottle one of this brand and sprayed the foliage, let it dry under a fan, then put it back out in the sun. Hopefully it will show signs off improvement soon. I live local which was lucky so I was able to spray it...
  2. Z

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Thanks for the advice I’d rather get on top of it soon rather than later. Are you able to elaborate on a good folia product. I haven’t heard of it to be honest. I also haven’t checked my ph in my root zone. Not a green thumb so this is my first time growing from a seed. So wouldn’t even know...
  3. Z

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Am I best to keep adding Dolomite? I grabbed this from Bunnings
  4. Z

    Aussie Growers Thread

    can anyone help me out here. Growing outdoors and the plans been all good up until now. Copper brown spots have started showing on the leaves. I’ve mixed in a handful of dolomite to help but hasn’t seemed to help. Any help is appreciated