Newbie needs advice


Active Member
So here is the update... I guess this thread is like a "personal diary of how NOT to grow weed" and I am basically embarrasing myself but F it...

I could not sit still and I went ahead and dug up the seeds... :mrgreen:

4 of the seeds germinated in the soil so I planted them in "pucks" of coco fiber and pulp. I am sorry, not sure how you call those "tablets" that grow when you introduce water. @Jeffislovinlife posted pictures of those.

Anyways, I was so "upset" that nothing is going on that I just thought I don't care, I will dig up those bastards. I was happy to see they germinated but man, why is it taking ages for them to sprout or am I just being waaay to impatient? :wall:

I know I am probably making things worse and am basically torturing the seeds at this point :mrgreen: but I don't remember it took them so long to sprout the last time... It has been 10 days... :roll: 3 since I moved them.


Well-Known Member
So here is the update... I guess this thread is like a "personal diary of how NOT to grow weed" and I am basically embarrasing myself but F it...

I could not sit still and I went ahead and dug up the seeds... :mrgreen:

4 of the seeds germinated in the soil so I planted them in "pucks" of coco fiber and pulp. I am sorry, not sure how you call those "tablets" that grow when you introduce water. @Jeffislovinlife posted pictures of those.

Anyways, I was so "upset" that nothing is going on that I just thought I don't care, I will dig up those bastards. I was happy to see they germinated but man, why is it taking ages for them to sprout or am I just being waaay to impatient? :wall:

I know I am probably making things worse and am basically torturing the seeds at this point :mrgreen: but I don't remember it took them so long to sprout the last time... It has been 10 days... :roll: 3 since I moved them.
You're impatient. Make sure to plant seeds barely under the surface, if they're too far down it will take them a lot of time and energy to get to the surface.

Here's how I do it



Well-Known Member
So here is the update... I guess this thread is like a "personal diary of how NOT to grow weed" and I am basically embarrasing myself but F it...

I could not sit still and I went ahead and dug up the seeds... :mrgreen:

4 of the seeds germinated in the soil so I planted them in "pucks" of coco fiber and pulp. I am sorry, not sure how you call those "tablets" that grow when you introduce water. @Jeffislovinlife posted pictures of those.

Anyways, I was so "upset" that nothing is going on that I just thought I don't care, I will dig up those bastards. I was happy to see they germinated but man, why is it taking ages for them to sprout or am I just being waaay to impatient? :wall:

I know I am probably making things worse and am basically torturing the seeds at this point :mrgreen: but I don't remember it took them so long to sprout the last time... It has been 10 days... :roll: 3 since I moved them.
I call them pucks lol patience is key you can love them to death

Rufus T. Firefly

Well-Known Member
I put my beans in a coffee cup with a half inch of water (tap unless your water is f'd up) put them on top of my router with a piece of junk mail on top to keep it dark and they usually crack within 1-3 days. I like that I can look in on them and once they sprout a tap root into the solo cups they go. Takes a lot of the guess work out of wondering what they are doing, and it's usually only a day or two for them to break ground. Get the soil in the solo cup at the right wetness level before you plant and you wont have to disturb the process by adding water, then mist as needed.

Good luck.


Active Member
Thank you guys for all the comments.:grin:

I did not cover them completely with soil @HandyGringo, they are peaking a little bit. Thanks for the video. :)

We are actually exepriencing colder weather at the moment so heating is on, they are above radiator. It is not too warm so I do not think the heat will "cook" them but they do have heating...

The first soil where I planted them in just did not feel right because once I watered it, it became really wet and dense. I am surprised they germinated so I thought lets place them in different soil that is better. I mean, the worse thing it can happen is for them to rot, but maybe they would rot in the old soil so...


Active Member
Hi everyone, me again. :grin:

7 of my seeds sprouted and I want to replant them. What soil would you recommend?

I am not sure I can get "pro" soil here so I will have to make it myself. I was thinking to mix flower soil with perlite and homemade compost, though I am not sure about compost since I could not germinate seeds in that soil. I understand it is different with young plants but still.

Also, what size of the pot would you recommend? Should I use plastic pot or one made of clay? I use clay ones for my plants that do not like wet soil and plastic ones for plants that like wet soil.

Thanks. (:


Well-Known Member
I use this 17149740005611141337375.jpgand it works well for me 1714974045969387244755.jpg1714974073135120999628.jpgand if you know what you are wanting in your soil look it up and write it down and look for something like it is what I would do best of luck to you with all of your Adventures
Hello everyone.

I am basically a newbe, light user, who wants to grow three or four plants for personal use. I actually grew three plants couple of years ago and everything went well but it feels like ages ago. :rolleyes:

Anyways, I decided to just plant the seeds in separate containers, I am using regular soil for flowers with a mix of perlite. I decided not to germinate prior to planting although couple of years ago I did soak them in water for 24hours.

So, my questions are, how much water is too much or too little? I am thinking the soil should be moist but not too wet. Not sure if I should cover the pots for a day or two so that they are in complete dark? Also, how long (aproximately) until I see the plant comming out? I will not use all the seeds in case this does not work out.

I am planning to grow them in a greenhouse that is basically a room in our house where we keep our other plants during winter. It us almost entirelly made out of glass.

Sorry for the "stupid" questions, looking forward to a friendly advice. :bigjoint:
There are several answers to your question. It really just depends upon which strain you are growing. A good rule of thumb is to water the plant slowly until it begins dripping out of the bottom of the container. After the 1st watering; only water when the top 2 inches of soil is dry to touch. That's when it's time to water again but be careful to not over water the plants. Different strains call for more or less water depending upon which strain you are growing