In House Genetics Thread


Well-Known Member
Like I said before many times, I'm up to pay even 1000$ for a pack that has a proven seed stock inside, I used to get those kind 20 years ago for less than 50usd... Are we moving forward and advancing or going backwards I can't tell already..
These breeders bring nothing but pretty pictures, no documenting, no transparency, no known history to their cuts used, no tests, no smoke reports.. hell I buy orange and lemon trees for 50 bucks that has more work and R&D put to them for over 2-3 years
Truly is sickening to see what fast cash does to people
When I think in my head about breeding and making seeds I see no possible way in doing even 1 strain in less than 1-2 years.. just not possible if you even wanna come close to a resulting plants which resemble what you started with and aspire to get to !
These people pump out strains more faster than I can remember them, I got burned once, never again.

This is why I only buy packs during sales now. Last sale I grabbed 10 half packs and 1 full pack of inhouse for $900 cad ($656 USD).


Well-Known Member
Tahoe snow day 67, not ready yet. This is my first grow using In House Genetics and I found something right away I want to keep around. Im going to grow her outdoor this year n see how she does outside. I took the plant outside to get a few pics and checked her trichs.

Back in the tent...


Well-Known Member