Yes, pretty sure Kamala never would have betrayed the Ukraine and it's people. Also pretty sure she wouldn't have tried to extort Zelensky for 50% of their nations rare earth metals. And I'm 100% sure she would never have allied with Putin, the war criminal and ruthless dictator. I sense a feeling of "glee" in your post, the "schadenfreude " oozes from your post. I guess we'll see what happens, but I am certain that the felon won't be making America great again, as I don't believe "Project 2025" was ever a blueprint for that goal. Just a power grab. Giving more power to donnie won't end well.
I don't believe democrats ever loved dumpy as he's never been a decent human being. He comes by the "racist" moniker honestly, his dad was one too.

As far as the left losing their minds, I would say some r's are getting angry too. The slash and burn effort of DOGE will affect them too. He never had an "overwhelming" victory, so he is overstepping bigly.

As far as Musk goes, many idolize him, but because of his recent dive into politics (far-right ideology) people are selling his stocks, getting rid of his cars, and protesting outside of dealerships. I suppose with his wealth he could do a great deal of good for the human race, but I'm not holding my breath, lol. There have been allegations of racism at Tesla, which makes Elon and the felon kindred spirits. DOGE is eliminating all the agencies that were investigating his companies, unethical at the very least , corrupt beyond belief would be a more apt description.

The democrats did misread the electorate to a degree, but the biggest mistake was ignoring Bidens obvious frailty in my opinion. A tough situation considering Biden won the election in 2020. Donnie had a hissy fit and made some bad choices as far as spurring an insurrection, but the rot in the republican party had infected the supreme court, and so the felon skated on all charges. That the r's party is now full-blown MAGA and the Supreme Court has been corrupted by justices who all stated under oath the Dobbs decision was settled law, and they wouldn't fuck with it, tells you all you need to know.

Go ahead, enjoy your victory. The dismantling of your country will hurt many Americans, so I don't quite understand your happiness at this point. Oh yeah, schadenfreude, I forgot.
Kamala . Honestly I wouldn’t even want to imagine . She was Biden’s gift to republicans and proved it every time she was asked a question that wasn’t rehearsed. Just being honest , she was a terrible choice. ( Dems biggest mistake after sidelining Tulsi Gabbard )

“Did mislead the electorate to a degree “ man really lol come on Be honest , old Joe was definitely in no shape to be in office . After that debate and the countless public displays of senility you cannot say that and really believe it. I get you wanted anyone but Trump, but there is not a business in the world that would have kept him in place making decisions. The fact they hid that from the American people with the full support of the party and the media should really make you think. For an inside look at that watch the Sean Ryan interview with Liny Li with an open mind. You should be pissed off that your choice for a realistic candidate was taken away.

Musk to me is definitely an odd bird. But I am not afraid of him looking into the rot in government. All the hyperbole coming from the left leaning news outlets and the recreationally outraged that believe all of it are becoming comical. It amazes me that people are upset someone is looking into how the money is managed and where it’s going. Why should our tax money be thrown around the world without oversight.

The people have spoken, overwhelmingly , and they clearly see through the smoke screens now with independent and social media actually leveling the playing field for both parties. The barrage of one sided propaganda is a thing of the past. Good for all of us.

It was definitely interesting to see our political process at work as the American people were slowly shown the truth, I watched it from deep dark redneck Massachusetts as the vote slowly shifts from identity politics to common sense.

The good news is Trump only has one term, so hopefully someone better comes along in the next couple years for all of us Dem/rep I don’t care
Kamala . Honestly I wouldn’t even want to imagine . She was Biden’s gift to republicans and proved it every time she was asked a question that wasn’t rehearsed. Just being honest , she was a terrible choice. ( Dems biggest mistake after sidelining Tulsi Gabbard )
Right up there with sara palin. He had the election up until he was advised to choose her.
I agree. I've never seen so many man children in politics in my life. Even the women are man child like.

True! If you want good stock tips just follow Pelosi! She has been predicting stock better than the pros for years! Still a "woman child" to the point when asked how much a home costs in her area at current prices she said $30,000 . To be that out of touch is truely child like to me. She led the Biden drop out march.
To be fair I don't think Bidens mental acuity was nearly as bad as they made it out to be. Before campaigning he seemed pretty mentally sound. Once he was campaigning he was getting led around by his wife and looked lost, but once the election was over he gave great speaches, public appearances, could actually find his way off a stage. I really think they were drugging him to make him seem less there than he really was. It was a crazy transformation if you look back before to now. How did he go from someone who couldn't repeat words off teleprompter without getting confused, didn't know where to get off stage, had a lost look on his face, and was always "nodding out". His speeches and public appearances after election were very aware and not all over the place mumbling. He couldn't even talk right sometimes. Anyone who else notice this as well?
I'm not trying to be a troll or smartass I truely saw this and think there is a high chance he was sabotaged.
True! If you want good stock tips just follow Pelosi! She has been predicting stock better than the pros for years! Still a "woman child" to the point when asked how much a home costs in her area at current prices she said $30,000 . To be that out of touch is truely child like to me. She led the Biden drop out march.
To be fair I don't think Bidens mental acuity was nearly as bad as they made it out to be. Before campaigning he seemed pretty mentally sound. Once he was campaigning he was getting led around by his wife and looked lost, but once the election was over he gave great speaches, public appearances, could actually find his way off a stage. I really think they were drugging him to make him seem less there than he really was. It was a crazy transformation if you look back before to now. How did he go from someone who couldn't repeat words off teleprompter without getting confused, didn't know where to get off stage, had a lost look on his face, and was always "nodding out". His speeches and public appearances after election were very aware and not all over the place mumbling. He couldn't even talk right sometimes. Anyone who else notice this as well?
I'm not trying to be a troll or smartass I truely saw this and think there is a high chance he was sabotaged.

Dementia is a tricky disease. It comes in all forms for people. This isn't a dis to Biden at all, but that's exactly what it appears like to me. I've been dealing with the issue with my own Mom for the last 5 or so years now. It's not as apparent in the early going, but once it hits a certain point, it's a completely different story. This is just my own assessment based on my personal experience though. It's crippling to the people that suffer through it because they know what's happening and they cannot control the effects.
Dementia is a tricky disease. It comes in all forms for people. This isn't a dis to Biden at all, but that's exactly what it appears like to me. I've been dealing with the issue with my own Mom for the last 5 or so years now. It's not as apparent in the early going, but once it hits a certain point, it's a completely different story. This is just my own assessment based on my personal experience though. It's crippling to the people that suffer through it because they know what's happening and they cannot control the effects.
Sorry to hear you are going through that. I had a friend who passed away a few years ago whose Mom was in a home, suffering from it. Hard to go through I'm sure. He struggled dealing with his Mom who no longer recognized him.

Biden was doing everything for the country he could. He was afraid the felon would gain power again, and he'd beaten him once already. He was right to be fearful for the country. Look at what chaos Elon and the felon have already brought to Washington.