We can have a philosophical conversation about what constituts life if you wish. But all legal and social practices dictate that life begins at birth. Go look at any government ID and show me where it says date of conception. I challenge you to find one country that counts a fetus a populat in their censes.And the unborn child? Who speaks for that life?
While this is an emotional topic, and i can rationalize almost all points of view, the cold facts of reality dictate my opinions on the topic that simply boils down to the wellbeing of the mother must be prioritized of that of the fetus.
Inherent risk
Child birth is the most dangerous thing most women will do in their lifetime, complications of pregnancy/delivery is the leading cause of death among women all-time. How to manage this risk should be determined by individuals at the advice of medical professionals and not dictated by broad blanked government policies.
Harm reduction
A mother who scraps a pregnancy can try again to bring new life into the world, while a motherless child is statistically fucked. no disrespect intended to the many exceptions on this board. Let us also consider the needs of others who may be attached to said lady (spouse parents other children)
Business equation
A grown women is a realized asset to society and a child is an undeveloped investment. You don't allow your investments to destroy your assets.