TARIFFS? So the last 30+ yrs. virtually all mfg. left the country so all the wealthy corps could take advantage of cheap foreign labor and bitchslap working Americans and humble unions who always wanted more $$$$ and benefits. They appeased shareholders and pushed this w/ the bait of cheaper prices for all. Remember the "Buy American" campaigns in the 90's, Globilization was going to the rising tide that lifts all boats,right.
Well it left behind millions of American's,took away any chance of leading a middle class lifestyle w/home ownership and left many areas of the country gutted w/few economic prospects. Many mills remain in my city,a reminder of the days when America was a export giant. The media seldom makes note of the fact that our ship building has atrophied to the point that we can't build 2 destroyers per yr. while China has several shipyards cranking out modern warships 3-4 at a time EACH.
Even if we had industrial capability of past history all I hear is we don't have the workers for those jobs, many respectable trades plumbing,electricians,
carpentry,auto mechanics,and on and on no longer seem to appeal to new gens. and these trades are more lucrative than ever. I never heard of thousands of dollars of sign on bonuses for these trades when I was a kid.
Trump is ass backwards in accessing his pet tariffs and our economy will tank unless he realizes this and backs down. We have to have the mfg. capacity in place first. Who will invest in this? The TIME it would take to ramp all this up is how long? It has to be yrs.,maybe even a decade. It's a empty threat and the countries he's hammering know this. For it to work we'd have to have factories built and ready to go,with the work force in place
ready to hit the ground running,then maybe tariffs would be a sane,effective approach.That said I don't know too many who want to toil in a textile factory over a sewing machine all day. Are corps. use to fattening up their shareholders w/dividends from huge profits from overseas labor going to retreat to our nations industrial golden days by relocating here and building new factories? And will they invest only to pay more for US labor and see reduced profits? That sure as hell isn't the business model that corps. embrace in the world as I see it. We can't produce most of the products imported domestically. Those prices will rise,what we export is reciprocally going to rise and we are no way close to manufacturing what we import.
Most Americans can't financially weather these price spikes and likely recession coming on a monthly basis,let alone yrs. in the unlikely event we re-invent our industrial base. Is this the stable genius that red states marked a ballot for? Make your buyer's remorse known w/your local R rep at the next town hall, OH that's right they no longer show up to explain the king's quirks and blunders due to fear and servitude.