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  • I use aero and nft. similar to stinkbud's in many ways... check out his thread!
    hey Treeth! I am very interested in the LED stuff. Apples to apples, spectra wise, it HAS to be more efficient than a light that gets hotter, plus you dont spend more money on cooling (both equipment and the electricity used to cool)
    u rock dude, wish all riu memers were like u. yeah Repti Glo 10.0 Compact
    Desert Terrarium Lamp. yep thats the 1 i almost picked up. will get 1 tommorow. curious tho, i remember u saying use it after lites out for 20-30 minutes. is my memory serving me right? is that how u use it still? or did u switch it up?
    thx again treeth
    yo treeth i remember u talking about cfl uvb. i went to pick one up at pet shop but they had 3 types. 1 for lizzards/iguaana, 1 for turtles and 1 for i caant remember lol. any ideer as 2 which 1 is best?
    euphoria has a great yeild and fast flowering,whats the other strain u asked me about
    I am setting up my room right now and I was going with several 1000w hps - contact me at and give me details on pricing, etc.
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