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  • attitudes dj short. weed world.dont get feminized,bad news.hermies bad.there may be more.but if yu can afford it dj short at attitude.
    ey man what's up? thanks for accepting.
    just grow that beautiful bud you grow. your bluemoonshine looks danky as super glue.:mrgreen::weed:
    jus depends,,bluemoonshine funny tho,to frequent waterings halts them ,never can tell.but yea i found that once flowers are evident is wen flowering should be counted really.bluemoonshine is a little slow taking off flowering.
    whats the crack man can u tell me if its too late t start trying t use co2 three weeks in flowering and how come they are so small how long did you veg your blue moonshine for and how long flowering . is flowering classed as when you switch the plants to 12/12 or from when you first see flowers text back if u can nice one
    yo whas goin on homie...i see u in am i...just wanted to say wuddup to my fellow texans
    oh man i love the blue cheese bro, cant wait to try some of that blueberry!!!! when you coming back to town!!!
    hey dude, i got ripped off by a couple of companys on seeds and i'm organizing a little pay back.
    Right now im after rhino seeds who ripped me off the sum of 120 quid and sent me seeds so old not one of them germinated. (and i have been germinating seeds for 10 years).
    Going to start with a genral warning post in all forums worldwide then a dos attack l8ter if they dont cough up some money or good seeds.
    If your interested mail me at
    hello fello toker. i was wondering what did u yeild from the 16 u did and what kind of lights did u have
    Yo Mr. Ganja I was wondering how that g-13/hashplant looked? My 1st indoor n got a few weeks b4 they're ripe. Possilbe to post a flic so I can peep it?bo$quero
    I read some of your posts and threads.
    Anyhow,,, I have been away from this hobby of mine for a couple years.
    I helped my buddy build a really awsome grow room (rooms) and built and areflo hydro system also.
    I got a mother plant from a buddy of mine, he said its called "Hash Plant".
    Have you ever heard of this strian ?
    Also, I am having another friend order up some Aurora Indica seeds for him.
    I did the Aurora before, and it turned out awsome.
    Also, I was thinking of using the General Hydro "NOVA" nutes this time around.
    My buddy said it works better than the standard flora series.
    Your opinion would be much appreciated.
    hey.. you ordered from a week ago and they sent??? you mind forwarding the e-mail to me, because i don't believe it! its been a week for my order and the only thing i received from them was an e-mail saying they received my order... bastards charged my c.c. but havn't sent shit send to
    Man i have not read anything except raiderman so...... being a raider man myself dat's what's up.....
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