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  • yea i looked at your pics they look nice the bubblebomb looks very nice how many grams would you get from 1 plant??
    :bigjoint:its easy to get confused whan you smoke hash all day:bigjoint:

    high humidity is normally not a problem for me but you never know until you get a hygrometer... you can get a high low thermostat with a hygrometer for like 10 dollars at a local store.... if your in the us hit the wall mart they got em.... if you don't know your environmrn you that could be the problem but then ive been growing for 8 years and just got a hygrometer 6 months ago..... looked over fed and possibly over watered like i said next time you pick up the pot and think it needs water poke your finger in the soil and if you feel moisture wait another day if it feels dry give it a flush and feed it the next watering....

    if you can get a humidity reading that might be helpful..50-60% during veg

    thats the best i can do for ya hope it helps
    no ive not heard of tyvek, the fuckin sensible seed bastards aint even posted my seeds foned them today and they aint sent the seeds coz my soapstone pipe wasnt in even though they took the money a week ago and when foned before the weekend they said it was being posted recorded delivery next day fuckin cunts man, and with the lights i ordered and paid for just being posted the other day all is late as well as the cash point telling me the money for the items were out when they werent and letting me go overdrawn on an account i dont want an overdraft on lol damn head is done in lol aaarrgh i need to sleep a few days lol wake up and stuff be here

    got the panda plastic up so all good so far that way lol you really got me thinking....why did you ask if i wasn't speaking to you...

    did i do something wrong.... or are you just messing with me...haha...i'm sitting here hoping i didn't insult you in some way, ha
    Treated tap water? Does that mean u know the ph of it? or do u just leave it out and let the clorine dissolve and whatever for 24h?
    Kk do u use phed water though???? or just tap? If i use nuetral water with the perlite and b and q cutting compost mixture im sure it will be alright. Cheers man just got 2 plants now. But not looking so great so might make some seeds or get a wee bit of abud off em. But got 7 white rhino seeds so yeh when i make that cab will be using 3 and have one 125w envirlolite on them.

    :D Fair enough. Hey u dont by any chance know how to wire up 2 pc fans to the same plug? coz im gonna build this grow box, i saw somewhere a diagram to wire them up but cant find it. Also for my next grow im going to use b and q cutting and seed compost like u said. do u use the b and q garden lime with it to keep its ph normal. and i will only be usoing miracle grow nutes for it.
    cool i got 400w dual soectrum hps and 600w hps coming 400 for veg and 600 for flowering, supposed to be arriving today fingers crossed, decided i am going to get fem blue moonshine to grow along side my fem supergirl so i got a couple of good smokes coming, cant wait to get started like wish it would all bloody arrive so i can get started lol
    well i would be guessing as i use enviros and know little about hps, but if it was 600 watt enviro, i would expect 2 oz dry per plant
    how many ozs could i expect off each cheese plant cycle of 13weeks 5 grow 8 flower using bio all mix soil and bio grow/bloom and topmax under 600hps.....
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