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  • hell yeah man! look forward to the pics! Im still waitin for my seeds to break soil, i didnt let em germ to long before i put em i soil cause i couldnt control the temps very well, to low. temp is good now, just waitin for em to show themselvs! ill let you know how its goin man! later!
    Congrats my Texas bro! sounds like you got your shit under control! What method of LST are you using? How big are you gonna finish 'em? Ive never had NL so let me know how they hit, man! Im germinating some seeds right now that I got outta a bag of good shwag, I grabbed em cause they were the biggest seeds Ive ever seen! cross my fingers that the size means a good strong plant! hopefully they will sprout soon, but its only been two days, no rush. They have split open on their sides so Im pretty excited! well keep me updated Texan! later man!
    hell yeah! congrats on your new kids! fuck it if the others are only 12 inches tall! flower those bitches till they topple over! theyre in TEXAS SOIL, theyre gonna pack a TEXAS SIZE HIT!!!! let 'em know my TEXAS brother!
    if u could e mail me at please and easy token my friend.
    got a prob asking u because sounds like u know what might be wrong, 1 of my plants are now 7 weeks old not only are my leafs turning yellow ,they turn purple first and then yellow and then die and fall off. if u know what i am doing wrong it would be greatly appricated. Also have 2 others starting to do the same but 1 is two weeks earlyer than the first one,and the other is in a coffee can and is small and i think i know y also doing the same as the others. thanks and please help me.
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