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  • hey this is my first time growing and I am going to grow in my attic for security and space reasons. I have a grow box up there about 2.5 feet wide 5 feet long and 4 feet tall. I am going to use cfl lights and I need to figure out how to maintain a healthy temperature up there for my 2 week old seedlings. It is currently winter here so if anyone has any sort of solution for me I would realy appreciate it.
    hey this is my first time growing and I have decided to grow in my attic for security and space reasons. I have a grow box up there about 2.5 feet wide 5 feet long and 4 feet tall. I am going to use cfls lights and I need to figure out how I can keep a constant healthy temperature up there for my 2 week old seedlings. It is currently winter here so If anyone has any sort of solution for me I would realy appreciate it.
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